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Thirrin sat in the principals office waiting for her father to come pick her up. She sat bitting her nail to fight the growing nervous pit in her stomach. She was in trouble and knew that her father would not be pleased at all.

As she heard the woman at the front desk welcome " Mr. Mikealson" she forced her eyes to brim tears knowing that it would soften her father a bit at least. Although when the door opened and she looked over for pity and support all she saw was Elijah whose eyes narrowed knowing what she was trying to do. She flashed her eyes to the ground and wiped her eyes and tried to come up with a new tactic. She could pull what she called an Octavia call him sir and suck up although that was what Octavia was used to doing because she had recently lived with a navy seal. She called Elijah sir once in awhile and only her father when she was in trouble she smirked at the thought of someone calling Kol sir.

" do you find this predicament funny Thirrin" Elijah asked and immediately her smirk fell

" no sir" she smirked in her head as Elijah shoulders weren't as uptight as they were before.

Her principal walked in greeting Elijah as if he was the high queen not that she blamed him she would to if she hadn't known Elijah like she does now. After he finished greeting him which Thirrin was very surprised the poor man didn't bow.

" Thirrin here has gotten herself into a fight of many likes she has nearly put the other girl in the hospital for barely touching her"

Thirrin rolled her eyes the girl had flicked her for the tenth time that day and it put her in a very bad mood.

" she lashed out and shoved the girl and the girl fell and cracked her head against desk"

" it seems that Thirrin shoved the girl and that was all the rest happened on it own" Elijah spoke he still wasn't happy but it seemed to be taken out of context.
Thirrin tightened her grip on the chair trying not to flinch knowing the story was not finished.

" that's not all after the girl was already on the floor and the rest of the class stood up including Thirrin, Thirrin continued to abuse the girl by kicking her several times"

Thirrin eyes narrowed and her nose twitched in irritation no one else into the class had seen the girl purposely kicked her desk just to piss her off so she kicked her.

She tuned out the rest of the conversation and him and Elijah talking until her principal called her name.

" Thirrin I hope that this it the last time I see you in here" Thirrin nodded but didn't say anything.

" I'll make sure that her father sees to that" Elijah said shaking the mans hand.

She walked in front of Elijah by herself until Elijah put a hand on her neck.

" Elijah I'm not going to run"

He ignored her " YOU let you temper loose that will not bowed well for your discussion with your father" of course she thought he always had to be Elijah calm even when angry

" clearly he doesn't care what is he currently doing that he couldn't come get me myself" she shrugged off his hand and walked faster.

" your father didn't come to get you because he didn't want to take his anger out on you. Niklaus loves you very much and while your actions make him furious he wants to think rationally regarding you so I suggest you start using your manners and treat him and others around with respect" Elijah said partly scolding her

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