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( In advance this is a sucky chapter)

As the weeks had now turned into two months thing we're a bit more heated now that Octavia trusted them more and was becoming more and more defiant as the day went on.

LET ME HAVE IT TAVIA" Thirrin screamed
trying to yank the grimoire away from Octavia.

" I HAD IT FIRST" Octavia yelled back.


" Yeah well you were looking at the other day" Octavia sneered.

" how do you know that" Thirrin asked glaring furiously.

Before Octavia could answer they were interrupted.

" What are you two arguing about.. you're not supposed to be in here" Kol asked entering Freya's room..

Both the girls gasped at the sudden voice and dropped the grimoire at the same time making it thump against the ground when it landed. The both backed away from the grimoire with guilty looks in their faces. Kol walked over picking up the Grimoire.

" Does Elijah and Nik know that you are looking at magic, out of my mothers grimoire nonetheless" He asked the girls.
He himself was trying to turn over a new leaf to be more of an uncle than we was before.

Thirrin shook her head while Octavia gave a soft no. Kol sighed before he spoke again.

" I'm assuming you two were fighting over the grimoire. Octavia you said that you had it first is that true?" He asked.

Octavia's eyes welled up with tears knowing that Kol would be upset with her. However she nodded that it was true.

" I like to look at the spells and Elijah and Freya don't let me look at the books ever" she admitted.

" Have you looked at them before" Kol continued to ask.

" I look at them when Elijah goes to his meetings"

" Thirrin have been doing that too" Kol turned his attention to Thirrin who only nodded her head.

" Well it sounds like Elijah and Nik just got home so why don't you take this and we can go and talk to them about your transgressions" Kol said handing Octavia the grimoire and then proceeded to hold out his hands for the girls to take which they did.

He led them out to the opening of the house wear Elijah and Klaus were. They both looked up prepared to see to happy faces to greet them but instead they saw two guilty faces dreading to greet them. When Elijah's eyes narrowed at the grimoire in a Octavia's hand and eventually at Octavia she froze and stopped walking luckily for her Kol stopped as well so she wasn't forced to keep going.

" What happened" Elijah demanded

Kol opened his mouth to explain but was silenced by Elijah raising his hand.

" Octavia bring the grimoire to me and then you can explain what happened" he asked again.

Octavia held the book across both of her hands more so balancing it rather than holding it but she slowly made her way over to Elijah very aware that her eyes her filling up with tears as she walked.

" I was looking at the spells, I like to look at all the different things that you can do. Then Thirrin came in and wanted the gri- gr- she wanted the book but it's not fair she gets to look at it before. So I wouldn't let her have so she tried to take it but I wouldn't let it go." Octavia pouted thrusting her bottom lip to gain as much sympathy that she could.

" They were in Freya's room, they both admitted to reading out of the grimoires before" Kol spoke adding his input.

" Our mothers grimoire was in my study, in which I don't remember ever giving you permission to be in there you young lady aren't allowed in there unless you are occupied by myself or Niklaus and it seems that you have" Elijah spoke very calmly but you could still hear the harsh undertones in his voice.

" Thirrin did you go into Elijah's study as well" Klaus asked

Thirrin immediately started to blush now that everyone's eyes were on her.

" No papa I didn't" Thirrin shuddered thinking of the last time she was in Elijah's study without permission. " I read the ones in Freya's room that's why I wanted it but I didn't go in Elijah's study promise" Thirrin finished pleading they would believe her.

" Very well Thirrin come with Freya and I, we would like talk to you" Klaus held out his hand to take but Thirrin wasn't risking being swatted so she grabbed Freya's hand and walked with her which Klaus didn't say anything but began to walk and Freya and Thirrin followed at his side.

In the mean time Elijah scowled at Octavia. He waited a good minute watching her switch her wait from one foot from another and even a few tear fell down her face before he laid down her punishment.

" You and I are going to return this to my study where I will give you a rightfully deserved spanking, I'm being considerably lenient by only giving you 12 swats because this is your first spanking from me. Once we are done you are to sit at the desk and write lines and write Freya an apology letter, after I had deemed them adequate meaning good penmanship and for the letter being respectful and thoughtful you will go and stand in the corner until dinner and once dinner is over you will go to bed. Do you understand" Elijah asked

" Yes Elijah" Octavia let out a massive pout but she walked along with Elijah.

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