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As Elijah walked into the kitchen he eyed Thirrin as he fixed the cuffs on his suit.

" is Kol still as you would say sucking up to you" he said as she cut the waffle Kol had brought her.

" yes Kol is still sucking up to me" she answered back.

She soon continued " papa can I go to Cami's later on to talk with her"

Klaus look to Elijah before answering.

" go soon, Rebekah will be coming in awhile she is bring dresses for both you and Octavia for a dinner tonight you will both be attending"

" what? No Nik do I have to go" Octavia said walking into the kitchen.

" Papa I don't want to go to some fancy dinner."

Before Klaus could explain Elijah spoke up.

" this isn't a choice Thirrin, and yes Octavia you have to go. Now you will wear the dresses Rebekah brings without complaints and you will be on your best behaviors this is a very important dinner. Understood?"

" yes Elijah" " yes sir" were the answers Elijah got.

While Octavia continued walking into the kitchen to grab her breakfast just cereal. She didn't want to go for the main reason she had to be polite and a mini Elijah at the dinner but it would be the first time out of the building since she first got grounded.

Thirrin was still frowning at her plans getting ruined but wasn't going to argue in case her father decided to tell her she couldn't go to Cami's.

Niklaus noted the fact that although it was 8:30 in the morning Thirrin was dressed for the first time in forever fully expecting a yes as his answer. He noticed that Octavia still had on a black t-shirt and army green plaid shorts. Accepting the fact that after he had told her later that her grounding depended on Elijah's choice and she admitted defeat knowing she had a better chance of getting Elijah to agree that his suits was cheaply bought. Although that didn't stop him from smirking at the fact how they both pouted at the fact.... he just wouldn't let Elijah know that.

When Thirrin was done she ran out the door saying goodbyes. She walked down the to the bar walking in there was few people in and most were vampires and it smelt like Jack Daniels and blood but she ignored it as she walked up to Cami.

" Hey Cami what's up... why is there so many uh people in here"

" Thirrin you should go I'm a bit busy right now or you can go in the back and grab something for the bloody Mary's for me also I need to call your dad so I can make him aware that you are here"

" Cami, papa knows I'm here and you never let me near alcohol stuff and why for a blo.... oh yeah I'll call him and make sure he knows and I'll go grab the pickles for them"

Thirrin's shoulder tensed knowing these vampires weren't friendly and she hurriedly made her way to the back and pulled out her phone and started to call her father and also pulled the phone off the hook in the back a called Marcel as well. They both picked up simultaneously.

" what is it Thirrin"
" Cami?"

" hey no uh they are some va- ow hey let go"

That was all she got out before the group of vamps grabbed her harshly by her arm and spun her around.

" who are you calling girl" the one spoke he had dark brown hair and even darker eyes and his breath was awful like fish that was left out.
Thirrin turned her head the other way and frowned trying to yank her arm out his grasp but instead the mans arm gripped tighter and she closed her eyes in attempt to block out the pain she knew there would be a bruise. The guy didn't say anything else but he dragged her out in the sitting area of the bar.

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