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With Thirrin on a trip with Klaus and Rebekah. Kol said he was going to go a torment Marcel although he was really just looking for a drinking buddy. That left Octavia with Elijah and Freya.

She sat in the kitchen eating an BLT minus the tomato with added mayo. She also had watermelon she was eating but that wasn't anything out of the ordinary considering they were her go to snack. Elijah had sat down with omelette he had made him self and a glass of blood.

" Octavia it's is 7:30 in the morning and as much as you would like that is not breakfast"

" Elijah most of the world would not consider blood as a breakfast beverage but here you are" she sassed back with a smile as she ate another watermelon piece

Elijah narrowed his eyes but cracked a smile back at her.

" perhaps the person still severing her grounding should actually stay in her bedroom as the terms state" he shot back

Her smile dropped.
" you're not funny Elijah I sit in my bedroom all the time it gets boring"
She said as she got up to put her dish in the sink

" if you would behave than you wouldn't be grounded at the moment"

After she got Elijah's plate and walked it back to the sink she spoke.

" Nik said that it was your decision so technically you could always unground me"

" then you wouldn't learn you lesson now would you Octavia" Elijah said finishing off his red beverage

She scoffed and rolled her eyes as she walked by him.
" fine"

The next she knew Elijah hand came down just below her shorts on her bare thigh.

" ow! Elijah!" She whined as she threw her hand back to rub and protect the spot that he swatted.

" do not cross the line in between joking versus disrespect.. understand" he scolded

" I understand Elijah" she said quietly knowing not to argue with what he said

" I think it is time for you to return to your room to reflect on that"

" Elijah I'm sorry I just get tired of sitting in there all day all the time don't make me go sit in there" she complained

" I would like you to then do something productive or read... perhaps do you chores"

Octavia nodded and followed him to the library to look for a book. An idea popped into her head she turned to Elijah biting her lip.

" Elijah do you think that maybe Freya could show me some grimoires and mayb-"

" the answer is no Octavia do not ask again you have been told before that you sill have no connection to the witch world"

" Elijah I'm a witch... technically speaking I can't be with you because you are connected to witches I don't do much I want to be ab-"

" enough Oct-"

" stop cutting me off Elijah I want to learn and I will wether you like it or not" she said having to stop her self from stomping her foot

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