Finals, mall, and soccer

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" Papa I have good news" Thirrin yelled walking through the house, she wasn't sure he was and knew for a fact he would hear her. She smiled as he appeared in front of her.
" I had Finals this week and I got all of my grades up, I'm going to be on the honors roll."

" That is wonderful, I'm sure Elijah will be pleased" Klaus smiled.

" What will I be pleased about" Elijah said walking in from the kitchen.

" I'm going to be in the honors roll, because I got all of my grades up after finals" Thirrin said pulling her backpack off the back and opening it to find her letter from the principal.
" Here" she held out the paper for proof.

Elijah took the letter from Thirrin and opened it not being one bit surprised that what she said was true, especially because she was boasting about it instead of making a quick exit to her room trying to avoid Klaus and or himself.

" You did a good job turning your grades around Thirrin" Elijah said.

Klaus looked around and caught the time.

" You're home late and without Octavia, you were told to ride the bus home or wait with Octavia until her practice was done." He said stepping closer to her.

" I sent you message I must not have sent um my friend dropped me off you can meet him if you want papa"  Thirrin explained as she searched for her phone to show the evidence that she did try to text him.

She froze when she hear a low growl come from her father. She looked up confused and scared she had meant to tell him and he was angry she couldn't see why he was angry with her.

" Him .. you came home with a boy" Klaus snarled heading for the door.

Thirrin immediately understood why he was angry and wanted to laugh but she knew it wasn't a good time to. She grabbed his arm to stop him from vamping out of the door.

" Papa, don't worry I don't like him like him he just my friend. He's gay anyways so I'm not his type either" she explained smiling.

Klaus turned to a Thirrin to see if she was lying when he didn't see any indication that she was he shrugged her hand off him and grabbed it. Holding it he walked out to meet the boy she was with.

When they reached the car a boy out. Thirrin let go of his hand walked over to him.

" Kobe this is my father, and papa this is Kobe" she introduced them to each other.

" Nice to meet you sir, I brought T home I figured that it souls be okay and sorry if it wasn't she said that she texted you" Kobe said holding his hand out to shake hands with Klaus.

Klaus shook his hand and smiled at him. He seemed nice enough and was polite.

" I trust Thirrin and most of her choices. It is quite okay that you drove her home."

Thirrin wanted to say that she highly doubted what he had just said and that he trusted her as much she trusted a young vampire in a room full of bleeding women rolling her eyes Thirrin looked from her friend to her father before speaking.

" Papa, tomorrow Kobe and my other friend wanted to go shopping at the mall. Can I go with them since I made it on the honor roll." She asked giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

Klaus rolled his eyes, he should of known there would be something else.

" What is this other friends name" he asked.

" Kristen she's the mayors kid, why does it matter" Thirrin narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

" You may go but I would like to meet her before you go Thirrin" Klaus stated.

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