Getting Ready for Date #3

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Maya's POV

Josh asked me out for a third date this morning during breakfast. Cory and Riley were there. Oh my gosh it was hilarious!!!

Flashing back

Cory and Topanga's kitchen at 8:30am

Maya's POV

I sat down to breakfast with Josh, Riley and Cory.

"Hey, Peaches!" said Riley.

"'Morning, Maya." said Cory.

"Good morning, gorgeous." said Josh. He walked over and pecked me on the lips. If it was anything more than a peck, I'm sure Riley and Cory would've strangled him on the spot judging by the looks on their faces hahaha!!

Riley and Cory gave him a cold, hard stare. I almost froze just LOOKING at that icy glare!!

I sat down next to Josh, who pulled me onto his lap so I was half-facing him.

"So, what do you want to do today, Beautiful?" Josh asked me.

Riley grumbled under her breath while Cory gave us an array disapproving looks.

Josh and I just ignored them.

"I dunno. What do you wanna do?" I said kissing him on the cheek.

"How about we go to this nice restaurant on Greenwich village? I went there with a few friends. It's a great place." Josh said.

"I'd love that!" I agreed to go.

"Great! How about 6:00pm?" he inquired.

"Sure. Sounds great." I grinned.

"I gotta go to work." said Josh, who slipped me off of his lap and stood up.

He leaned down and kissed me. This time, it was a bit MORE than a peck, if ya know what I mean. "Bye babe." he whispered.

Riley and Cory kept glaring at him.

Josh and I returned the look to them along with an arrogant, almost rebellious smirk.

Josh snickered and walked out the door.

Back to the present

I'm getting ready for my date with my Boing.

"Peaches!!" Riley called for me.

"Yeah Riles?" I called back.

"Whatcha dooin'?" she asked.

"Getting ready for my date." I answered.

"Oh yeah. With my uncle." Riley grimaced and gagged at the thought.

"Yep. That's the one!" I jeered.

"Can I help you get ready?" Riley asked.

"Of course!!" I giggled.

She helped me do my makeup (peach eyeshadow, coral blush, brown mascara, black eyeliner, nude pink lipstick).

She helped me do my makeup (peach eyeshadow, coral blush, brown mascara, black eyeliner, nude pink lipstick)

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(Maya's makeup^)

"Riley, lip gloss is easier to apply. Why can't I just use that?" I asked, although I thought I already knew the answer.

"Lip gloss. Kissing. My uncle. Your date. Ew." Answered Riley curtly

"Okay. That's settled. Now what am I gonna wear?" I asked.

How about... this!" said Riley, holding up a nude pink colored dress that practically covered my whole body like a burka. "And... these." she picked up a pair of white flats.

"Or," I said. "I could wear this." I said.

I ran out of the room and came back dragging my suitcase.

I grabbed a black dress with a gold belt, and a leather jacket out, then grabbed black high-heeled boots. It showed of a lot more skin than what Riley picked out. I thought she wouldn't like it until...                                                                                                                                              "LOVE IT!" she yelled loudly.

                                                                                                                                              "LOVE IT!" she yelled loudly

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I popped into her closet and came out wearing the outfit

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I popped into her closet and came out wearing the outfit.

"LOOOOVE ITTTT!!!!!" Riley screamed even louder.

"Thanks, Riles." I smiled at her girly antics.

There was a soft rap on the door.

"Come in!" said Riley.

In came Josh.

"Not you." Riley growled.

"Maya... You look... pulchritudinous!" said Josh.

"Yeah, if you'd use English, that'd be nice." I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, lemme explain this to you in Maya-nese: chick, you look hot." Josh broke it down for me.

"Oh! Thanks." I blushed.

"Shall we?" Josh asked.

"Ohhh yeah!!" I said enthusiastically.

And we left to go have our third date. I hope this goes well. (fingers crossed) ;)

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