Touring the City

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The next morning; at the Matthews' house; Maya came back in the middle of the night after being with her mom; Maya's POV
I woke up in Josh's arms. Dang, he's so comfortable!!
I carefully plucked Josh's arms off of me so I could sit up.
"Morning, Blondie." Josh woke up and smiled at me. As he sat up I realized he was shirtless. Okay, that's not awkward at all. I was wearing his shirt.
"Good morning, Boing." I giggled.
"What do you want to do today?" Boing asked.
"Hmm... I'm not sure yet, but I'll think of something." I pursed my lips. "Idea!! Let's tour the city. We can just walk around, go to the park, the café, Topanga's, theatre, or whatever you wanna do." I suggested.
Josh sat up and wrapped his arms around me. "Sounds good to me." He kissed the top of my head.
"Maybe after that we can go to my house. I don't think you've seen it." I said.
"I haven't. I'd sure like to see it though." Said Josh.
"It's pretty humble. Riley used to be scared of it, but now she's used to my apartment." I recalled. "Anyway, let's go stuff our faceholes."
"Faceholes." Josh laughed to himself.
"Hey! It's a word!" I said in defense.
Josh let go of me and we headed for the kitchen while holding hands.
Cory, Topanga, and Riley were already up and in the kitchen.
"Uch!" Cory scoffed as he looked at Josh's shirtless body then looking at me wearing his shirt and holding his hand.
Topanga and Riley both "awwwed" and squealed.
"I didn't see you in Riley's room when I came to check on her..." Said Cory skeptically.
"I was in Josh's." I told him.
"Hmm..." Cory stroked his chin and glared at Josh.
"Cor, don't worry, nothing happened." Josh reassured him.
"Besides Josh's snoring." I giggled.
"I do not snore." Josh scoffed jokingly.
"You snore." I raised an eyebrow.
"LADY I DO NOT SNORE." Josh sounded exasperated.
I paused for a bit.
"You snore." I said in the same tone as before.
"Y- "
Josh cut me off by kissing my facehole. Yes it is a word as I said before.
"Uuuuuuughhhhh" Cory groaned CLEARLY expressing his displeasure.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWW" Riley and Topanga squealed again.
I pulled away. "Sorry, but I'm more interested in stuffing my facehole with food instead of your face." I said sassily. (That's a word too.)
"aww man." Josh fake pouted.
We poured ourselves cereal and stuffed our faceholes. (I'm sorry I just love that word. Say it. Seriously.)
"You snore." I said again.
"No I don't."
"I WILL EAT YOU!!!" I yelled.
"I give in."
"MWAHAHAHAHA I have bent you to my evil bidding!!!!!!" I laughed evilly.
"Whatever, weirdo." Said Josh. "Anyway, Maya and I are going out for a while. See you in 1000 days. Bye." Said Josh grabbing my hand and heading for the door.
"Josh. Look down. You are shirtless." Reminded him.
"UCH!" I heard Cory scoff again from behind me.
"Awww be quiet." I moaned.
15 minutes later...
Josh and I were ready to go. I was wearing a chiffon shirt and jeans, he was wearing an old concert t-shirt and dark blue jeans.
"Let's do this thing!" I announced.
"YES." Josh matched my excited tone.
And we left the Matthews' house.

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