I Don't Even Know What To Call This Chapter

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The next morning; at the Matthews' house; Maya came back in the middle of the night after being with her mom; Maya's POV
15 minutes later...
Josh and I were ready to go. I was wearing a chiffon shirt and jeans, he was wearing an old concert t-shirt and dark blue jeans.
"Let's do this thing!" I announced.
"YES." Josh matched my excited tone.
And we left the Matthews' house.

Maya and Josh just left.
Josh's POV

Maya had the brilliant idea to tour the town this morning. I don't know much about the city and Maya has lived here for far longer than I have. I'm from Philly, so I don't know my was around so Maya will show me. We walked around for a few minutes, looking at the shops, noting the locations of different places, and talking to each other. We finally arrived at the Paris Café. We walked in and ordered mocha lattes. I noticed the cashier who served us flirting with her while she was trying desperately to ignore him, so I glared at him and told him she's taken. He backed off pretty quickly. We walked through Central Park and chatted. We looked at the flowers and the trees. We walked past a playground full of screaming and laughing children.

"Kids are so cute." Maya smiled at two little girls on the swing set.

"We should have kids." I said.

"Someday." Maya grinned.
I smiled at her, remembering that day at the ski lodge.
"Remember when we agreed to play the long game?" I asked.
"How could I forget. It's such an important moment in my life." Maya looked me in the eye.
I wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned on me a bit.
Suddenly, her phone rang.
"It's Andrew. I have to take this." I reluctantly let go of her and she answered her phone, keeping one arm around her waist as we walked on.
"Hey Andy." Maya chirped.
Uh, Andy sounds like a pet name.
"Oh. He did? Yikes. Aww!!! Ohhh. Okay. Are you sure? I'm in the middle of something, but if it's really urgent, OH, tomorrow?! I- okay, I'll see what I can do." Maya talked into her phone.
"So what does 'Andy' want?" I asked casually, making air quotes with my fingers when I said "Andy".
She ignored my caustic behavior. "His uncle is going to take his aunt and parents to this couples retreat and he has to watch his baby cousin, but he has no idea how to take care of a baby and he needs my help tomorrow." Maya summarized the conversation.
"But we're together, and he's a creep. Can't he find another friend?" I whined.
"Josh, chillax. I'm his friend and I have to be there for him. I love Andrew. He's a sweetheart and I'd be happy to help him." Maya gave me the cutest look.
"Alright, have fun, but not too much. Ask him when you have to go, his address, and when you can leave." I said. "And if he does anything you don't like, leave. He can call a different friend to help him. I can tell that he likes you, and also, he seems like a perv." I snarked.
"Oh, alright. I'll text him." Maya said.

Maya's phone went off again.

"It's my mom." she told me. She pressed "answer".

"Hey mom! You're lonely? But you have Shawn. I'm in the middle of something!! Okay, yeah, see you soon. Bye for now." she spoke into the phone, then hung up. "Okay, Shawn isn't at the house and my mom is lonely and wants to see me." she explained.

"But we're in the middle of a-" one glance at Maya shut me up. "I'll hail a cab." I said.

We hopped in the cab, told the driver the address, and started driving.

Maya's phone went off.
"Andrew again. Okay, his address is xxxxxxx." She read it out loud.
"Did he tell you when you can go back?" I asked.
"Yeah, lemme check... 11:30?!?" She cried. "And that's only when their retreat ends!! They get back at MIDNIGHT!!"
"I don't want you alone with that creep! Especially at night." I clenched my jaw unwittingly . "I want to come with you." I stated.
"I wish you could, but that wasn't the invitation." Said Maya regretfully. "But, there's nothing wrong with checking on me." She said slyly.
"I'll check on you as much as I can." I said. "It's not that I don't trust you, I mean, it's really him I don't trust."
"That's understandable." Maya nodded.
"I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't even know this guy!" I pointed out.
"Josh, relax. I'm Maya Hart for Pete's sake. I do what I want and ain't nobody gets to tell me what I can and cannot do." I sassed him.
"Alright... Go. But if anything happens to you, I will personally go up to him and beat his brains out of his skull." I clenched my fists.
"Whoa, Josh. Tone it down. I'm gonna be fine." She tried to relax me.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I just do. He's Andrew. One of my closest friends. Neither one of us would try to do anything to rupture that trust." She said.
"He's bigger and stronger that you, and people change." I looked into her sky blue eyes.
"But people change people." Maya put her hand on mine. "We're here. Bye Josh." She said and kissed my cheek.
She started to walk out the door, but climbed back in to talk to me again.
"Josh, you don't look so good. Are you really okay?" She asked concernedly.
"No." I said with a shaky voice. "He likes you. I'm worried I'll lose you." Dammit, I'm a wuss.
"You could never lose me." Maya stared right at me. I could feel her beautiful azure eyes boring into my soul. She stepped out of the cab, but hesitated. Then she leaned back into the cab and gave me one hell of a kiss on the lips.
Now I'm convinced that I'll never lose her.

A/N OH MY GOSH!!! 1.03k reads!!!! Thank you guys soooo much!!
Merci papillons! (Thank you, my butterflies)

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