Josh is Gone.

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{Picking back up where we left off in "Going to Maya's}

Maya's POV

Josh took my hand and took me to the table. During breakfast, Shawn's eyes never left Josh, even for a second. Josh was shifting in his seat and drumming his fingers on the table. He looked longingly at the door as if he were going to run out of my apartment any second..

I picked his hand up and gave it a light squeeze. He looked over at me and gave me a weak smile and started rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. Then, he started tapping his fingers and fidgeting  again. He bit his lip and tapped his foot on the floor.

I finally snapped. "Shawn! Could you not glare at Josh? Can't you see it's making him  uncomfortable?!"

"Good. That's what I was going for." Shawn growled, his eyes not leaving Josh even for a millisecond.

"Why? What did he do wrong??" I asked.

"Well, let's see, he had his tongue shoved down my child's  throat on my couch." he huffed. "He is a legal adult. You are still technically a child. I mean, he's basically turning into a pedophile!"

"Shawn! Don't call him a pedophile! A pedophile is an old person who has creepy, sexual feelings for a LITTLE child. I'm not a little child and I'm pretty damn sure he ain't an old man." I informed him. "Josh, this is it. I don't want you around my insane family. You're gonna get hurt! You need to leave. Oh, and Shawn, thank you SO MUCH for being understanding. I'm pretty sure you did the same thing at Josh's age." I snapped.

"No, no, no! Maya. Think this through!" Josh grabbed my hand.

"I have  thought this through. I've been thinking about it since Shawn's first outburst. Josh... this is for the best." I sniffled.

"No, Maya, it's not. Think about what Andrew will do when he finds out you're single. Last time, it was just a kiss, and he KNEW we were together, imagine what he'll do when he finds we're NOT together. He'll be relentless." Josh pointed out. "Don't put yourself in harm's way."

"You're not saying..." I drifted off. "No, he wouldn't" I waved the thought away like a pesky fly. "Even if he did, I want YOU  to be happy."

"Maya, don't do this to yourself!"Josh pleaded.

"You want me to be happy?" I asked. He nodded. "Then leave." I said regretfully.

"That's what you want?" he asked.

"Yeah." I whispered.

"If that's what you want, well... Anything for you, Princess." he kissed the top of my head and silently walked out the door.

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