February 13th

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Maya's POV

Twas the day before Valentine's day, chocolates and hearts, not only that... okay, I cant find a rhyme for hearts except for farts. Dangit.

Okay, lemme rephrase that. Valentine's day is tomorrow and so is JOSH'S BIRTHDAYYYY!!!!!!!

I gotz to go get him a present!! I'll get Riley. She can go shopping with me for him.

I've already thought it out. I'm not sure what store to go to for this gift, but you know, Walmart has everything. I'll go there.

"Riles?" I called out to her.

"Yeah?" she replied from the kitchen. I walked over there from her room.

"Bay window. Bay window right now." I commanded.

In the bay window...

"Let's go to Walmart and get Josh a birthday present and heart chocolate happy rainbow fun stuff for Valentine's day." I blurted out.

"YES! I WAS THINKING THE SAME THING!!" Riley squealed happily.

"Let's go!"

*In a taxi*

"I know exactly what I'm getting Josh. First, let's go to the camping aisle, then the candy aisle" I declared.

*In Walmart*

We headed straight for the Camping aisle.

I picked up the gift and explained it to Riley.

"That's soooo romantic!!! Creative, too." she squealed giddily. 

We went to the candy aisle and got candy hearts, chocolate truffles, and hot cocoa.

Riley and I headed home.

"Shawn, Grandma Amy, Grandpa Allen, and Eric are coming to my house. Aunt Morgan couldn't make it because she recently got a boyfriend, and she wants to spend the day with him." Riley explained. "You already know your mom is gonna be there."

*Matthews apartment*


We walked in her apartment to see her entire family including extended family, minus Morgan.

"Riley! Maya!" they all yelled and group-hugged us.

"Maya! You look beautiful, as always!" Amy said.

"Malisha! Hey tiny chick!" said Eric.

"Hey sport! You look fantastic!" said Allen.

"Hey kid!" Yelled Shawn heartily as he picked me up and swung me around.

I saw Riley and Josh hugging out of the corner of my eye. I almost forgot he was here!

I let go of Shawn, forgetting he was spinning around with me, and I catapulted away from him.

"HEEELLLLLPPPPP-" Everything was in slowmo.

I saw Cory's mouth open and heard him. I heard my mom scream "Babygirl! No!!". I heard Riley's shrieks from the opposite side of the room. I heard Amy gasp and slap a hand over her eyes. I saw Allen running over to me in the futile attempt to save me from crashing onto the ground on my back and most likely snapping my neck or back. I saw Topanga get off of the couch and try to grab me. Eric screamed "Malala-". And I saw Shawn. The look on his face would forever be etched into my memory. The look of fear on his face and guilt in his eyes as he watched me fall. My head was aimed at the TV. I closed my eyes and waited for it all to happen.

Wait, I didn't see Josh... did he leave?

My body stopped falling. I wasn't hurt though... I hadn't even touched the ground! My head was still intact and so was the TV. I knew immediately what had happened.

Josh had caught me.

Everything stopped. The world had stopped moving in my mind. Nobody was moving. They just stared. Josh picked me up and helped me stand up straight. My legs were wobbling. Then everything started moving again.

"MAYA! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Someone yelled.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe that!"

"Lucky save, Josh."

"YOU COULD'VE DIED!" that last comment finally broke me. My world shattered. I had almost died! I stared at the hard edge of the flatscreen TV, then the hardwood floor. It was true. At the speed I was going plus the edge of the TV... That could've gone badly.

Shawn was spinning me around by the arms and I let go in midair. If Josh hadn't caught me, my head would've hit the TV, I would hit the wood floor, and slide into the wall.

 I burst into tears. Josh pulled me closer to himself and held me.

"Shhh. It's fine. I got you. You're okay." He consoled me.

Everyone else just stood there and stared in shock. Except, of course Cory, Topanga, and Riley, who knew we were together. Amy, Allen, Eric, Auggie, Mom, and especially SHAWN  just stood there with their mouth hanging open.

Josh had taken notice. His cheeks flushed a vibrant shade of red. He scooped me up and took me into his room.

Cory's POV

"What. The. Hell. Was. THAT?!" Shawn exlaimed.

"Shawn, honey. It's fine. Josh probably just felt bad for Maya and tried to comfort her." Katy patted Shawn's shoulder.

"You're right. You're right. You're absolutely right. I need to relax." He sat down on the couch and sighed.

I laughed nervously and hid behind Topanga.

"Cory... What are you hiding." Shawn asked suspiciously.

Topanga laughed softly and uncomfortably.

"Topanga, what are YOU hiding??" he asked Topanga.

"Apparently, Cory." She replied dryly, looking behind her at Cory.

I ran for it. Shawn chased me around the house for a few minutes before I decided to run down the hall, and into the elevator after slamming the elevator button a billion times. Shawn was catching up to the elevator looking livid.

"CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE CLOOOSE!!!!" I yelled at the elevator.

Shawn didn't catch the elevator. The doors closed in the nick of time. I still wasn't safe...

"STAIRS!" He yelled.

"Ding!" went the elevator, and I began to step out. But there, in front of me, was a heavily-breathing, red-faced, FURIOUS Shawn Hunter.

I frantically pressed elevator buttons, but it was useless. Shawn shoved me into the open elevator and got in.

"Tell. Me. EVERYTHING." He growled menacingly.

Wow... That was a weird and crazy chapter XD

I hope you guys liked it!

...Even though it was insane

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