The Talk/School/College

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Josh's POV; breakfast

I woke up to an empty bed. Maya was probably at the table already.

I walked to the kitchen. There was Maya, all by herself. She was dressed in a yellow shirt with a thin, black belt, and black jeans.

"Riley's getting dressed." she explained. "Cory's already at school. Topanga's getting Auggie ready."

"Hey, Maya. After school, uh, you wanna hang out? Topanga will be at the restaurant, Riley will be with her, Auggie is sleeping over at a friend's house, and Cory is supervising detention, so as long as you aren't IN his detention, conditions are perfect for a hangout. We really need to talk about last night." I know neither of us want to talk about it, but we need  to. I can't have Maya thinking I'd just cheat on her and sleep with some ugly-ass hooker.

"I know. We can chat a bit now before I have to leave." she patted for me to sit down next to her.

"Okay, why do you think I'd cheat on you with her ?" I didn't use her name.

"She's beautiful, she just dropped in your lap out of the blue, and she's an easy target. I'm basically the opposite of her." she rambled on about her.

"That's why I don't like her. She's the opposite of you! Maya, if I, and I'm not saying I ever would, but in some alternate universe where I was a total jerk who didn't care about you, why would I go after HER of all people? I love you for you. There's no one I'd rather be with."

She smiled at me warmly.

"I'm sorry, I have to go. My next class starts in 45 minutes and I'm not dressed." I got up from the table and started walking towards my room, then I stopped, turned back around and kissed Maya.

THEN I got dressed, brushed my teeth yadda yadda yadda.

When I came back into the kitchen, Riley and Maya were there.

"Bye Riley, bye ferret." I kissed her goodbye and left.

Maya's POV; 30 minutes later; in the school's hallway

Riley and I were walking down the hall.

"Maya? Um, last night, I heard you screaming.It sounded like you were telling Josh to stop something. I heard you yell something along the lines of "No! Don't do this" and "Stop, Josh" and "Josh, no" and I heard him shaking you. What happened?" she asked.

"I had this nightmare." I told her the entire story in great detail, beginning to end. I told her who Melody was. I told her how Josh comforted me after he woke me up. I told her EVERYTHING.

"Maya, I-I'm so sorry!" She hugged me tight. "Josh really IS a good guy. Good enough for you. I should've trusted him from the start." she confessed.

*Bell rings*

"Let's get to class." said Riley

Josh's POV; campus hallway; 1 hour later

I walked through the hallway, headed towards my next class.

I saw someone all too familiar. Ugh, Melody. She turns up at the oddest times.

She noticed me noticing her. Crap.

I looked straight forward and walked faster. I turned around to see her following me, so I started running.

I safely made it to my classroom before she could get to me, but guaranteed, she'll be making an appearance after I get out of class.

I haven't noticed her before in NYU. Maybe I only noticed her finally because I've talked to her NOW. I didn't know her back then. Hmm... I didn't know they let prostitutes in NYU. Weird.

TBC in the next chapter (soon to be published)

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