Mission: Possible or Impossible?

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Josh's POV; At Maya's doorstep

I knocked on Maya's door. The door opened up a bit, revealing Maya's azure eyes. a lock of her hair slipped out from behind the door.

"Josh?" she squeaked.

"Hey. can I come in?" I tried to sound calm and gentle so she wouldn't get overwhelmed.

A tear rolled down her cheek, she quickly batted it away, probably hoping I wouldn't notice.
She hesitated. "Yeah." she whispered.

I sat her down on her couch.

"Maya, please don't cry." I pleaded with her. I couldn't bear to see her cry.

I got closer to her on the couch. I could tell she was holding back tears.

"Maya," I said softly. She shattered into a million pieces. She burst into tears on the spot.

I bit my lip and let her cry for about a minute. Maybe she'd feel better? I don't know. I can tell she feels terrible. Well, no duh.

"I'm miserable, Maya." I started. She gave me a look that I can't describe in 1 word. Have you ever seen one of those ASPCA commercials where they show these scared animals starving or freezing to death? That's basically the look she gave me.

"And I can tell you're miserable, too." I lifted her chin up so she was looking me in the eyes.

She stared at me for a while, then wiped her tears away.

 "Why didn't you give up on me and be with Melody?" she sniffed.

"Because I can't give up on someone who's already given up on herself. I love you, and I might be a little crazy, but I can tell you still have feelings for me."

She slowly nodded and started crying all over again. I picked her up and put her on my lap facing me. She put her head on my chest.

"Shhh." I said soothingly.

"This is all my fault." she whimpered into my shirt.

"No Maya, it's mine. I pressured you to lie and keep our relationship from Shawn. You wanted to tell him the truth. If I had just listened to you, we wouldn't be in this situation."

She finally settled down and we stayed on the couch together.


"Yeah, Josh?"

"Are you home alone?" I asked.

"I think so... Why?"

Hey guys! I had to change the rating from 13+ to 14+ on this because I don't think the material is suitable for people under 14. If you are under 14, I don't mind. The rating is just a warning that explicit content is contained.

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