Andrew and Krystalynn

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Maya's POV

Josh and I decided to re-tour the city. We got coffee, went to the park, got lunch, and before I knew it, it was almost time to leave for Andrew's.

We hopped in a cab, gave the driver the address, and we sped off.

"If anything happens to you, I'll beat his tiny brains out of his thick skull." Josh threatened as I got out of the cab. He walked me to the door.

Andrew saw me from his window, and instead of buzzing me up, he came down with the baby and introduced her.

"This is my cousin, Krystalynn." Andrew bounced up and down to calm the baby.
"Aww she's so cute!! Come on, it's chilly outside. Let's bring her back up."
"Great idea, Maya. I'll show you my house." He winked at me. This is gonna be an interesting night. 

Josh made sure to kiss me longer, more passionate, and even harder than usual to prove his point to me, and of course Andrew especially. He wanted to show him that he meant business.

"Josh, there is a baby  over there." I whispered to Josh and pointed at Krystalynn. "So what? It's not like she's gonna remember." He said. Ah, true.

Andrew guided me through the building.

"Okay, keep going." Andrew guided me down the hallway. Two lefts and then a right turn.

"Here's the elevator." Said Andrew.
He let me step in before him. "Such a gentleman." I sarcastically commented. "Yes ma'am."  Said Andrew, tipping his invisible hat to me. Reminded me of Ranger Rick...
He pushed a button and the elevator started to move.
'Ding'  the elevator stopped.
We walked down the hall and he unlocked a door. The door swung open with a loud 'creak'.
"This is my humble dwelling." Said Andrew gesturing towards the main room. Boy, he was NOT kidding. It reminded me of my  home.
It was second-handedly furnished with mismatching furniture pieces, a rickety table and chairs, and an old rug.
He showed me his cousin's room. "Reminds me of when the Matthews' had Auggie." I commented looking at all of the pastel colors, the stuffed animals, and the white crib.
"I'm an only child and most of my friends are only children or have older siblings, so I don't know what it's like." Andrew replied.
Andrew handed me Krystalynn. "Teach me your ways, O mistress of childcare." Andrew said sarcastically.
"Okay, what do you need to know first?" I asked.
"How the heck do you feed her??" He asked cluelessly.
I warmed up a bottle and held Krystalynn at a 150 degree angle and pressed the bottle gently against her lips. She opened them and sucked vigorously on the bottle. After she had finished, I put a cloth on my shoulder and burped her. "You always have to burp her after feeding her." I informed Andrew.
"Good to know." He nodded.
"It's about bedtime, so change her diaper, put her in pj's and read to her or sing to her. Do not forget to turn the baby monitor on." I emphasized the last part.
I helped him change her diaper and carefully put her in a new onesie and sat her on my lap.
I sang softly to her and she drifted off to sleep. I carefully stood up and placed her in the crib.
"Wow you're really-" Andrew started talking loudly. I slapped a hand over his mouth.
We walked into the main room.
"Wow you're a really good singer!" Andrew commented.
"Thanks." I blushed. WHY AM I BLUSHING?! I'm so stupid.
We stayed up for a while talking. My phone rang. "It's Josh." I informed Andrew.
"Hey, Josh! Yeah everything's fine. Just put the baby to sleep so now we're just talking. No!! Nothing we barely started the conversation. I'm fine. Yeah. Bye." I said quickly into the phone.
"I wanna show you something..." Said Andrew mysteriously.
"Hoooh boyyy. Here we go." I said to myself.
"What was that?" Andrew asked, turning around.
"Nothing!" I said quickly.
"Well, come on then!!" He said.

A/N hey guys!!! What did you think? What do you think is gonna happen and what do you want to happen? Don't forget to vote!!

Lots of love,

-ZoZo duh bozo

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