Date #3

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Maya's POV
Josh drove us to the restaurant and held my hand on the way there.
"This is it. Mama Luciano's." Josh announced.
"What a cute restaurant!" I smiled. "Reminds me of Topanga's."
Josh opened the door for me.
"Carlos! My man! How are you!" Said Josh cheerfully to the young man at the cash register.
"Josh! I'm doin' fine! How about you? Who's the cute blonde?" The man said.
"This is Maya." Said Josh. "My date." He gave him a warning glare that  obviously said 'back off buddy'.
"My bad. How can I help you two?" He asked. "Well, actually I can answer that myself. Table for two, correct?" He asked politely.
"Perfect." Said Josh.
Josh pulled my chair out for me. "What a gentleman." I remarked.
"Why, thank you." Josh said taking a mock bow.
We ordered spaghetti, calzones, and gelato.
I ate mine in a flash.
"Wow, blondie, you were sure hungry!" Josh grinned.
"My mom's job doesn't pay much, so we can't afford a lot of food, so I eat a lot when I get the chance." I winked at Josh.

"Lemme pay for this." I said.

"Hell no." he laughed. "I asked you out, so I pay."

"At least my stuff?" I offered once more.

"Nope. I asked for this, so I'm paying."

I asked Carlos for the check and slipped my credit card in, then attempted to pass it to Carlos. Josh snatched it and replaced my card with his own and gave me my card back with an evil laugh.

"Oh, you!" I jokingly smacked him on the arm and laughed.

"What is with you and violence???" He snickered.

"I like it. I like watching stuff blow up!" I giggled.

"I'm glad I'm with you and not some wuss who's afraid of RAIN!" He laughed and kissed me.

"Hey! Not in here!" Carlos laughed from behind the granite counter.

We said goodbye to Carlos and headed to the park. We took a long stroll and sat down on a park bench.

"You know, if you didn't use food as an incentive, I wouldn't have left my house. I came for the food." I teased Josh rather cruelly.
"Yeah right, because there's no way int the world you came for this." Josh teased right back and started kissin' my facehole.
We eventually ran out of air and came back up to breathe. ( "Now I'm comin' up for air. Air air air air air air. [...]" Tell me if you got my referance)
"Okay, maybe for that a little bit." I started teasing again.
Josh rolled his eyes. "Oh, you silly girl. I gotta take you back home." Said Josh looking at his watch.
We headed to his car and he drove me to Riley's.
As soon as we walked in the door everyone was hounding us with questions.
"Are you okay?" "Did he do anything?" "Did he touch you?"
Not a single person asked if we had fun.
"Chill, guys. I'm fine, he's fine, everyone is fine. Let's just go to bed." I coaxed them. They did as I asked and went to bed.
"Its kinda cold." I shivered.
"Come here, baby." Said Josh. He led me to his room and we cuddled under his blankets.
"That's better." I smiled with content. The warmth from his body swept over me and I drifted off into a peaceful rest.

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