At The Ball

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I woke up this morning with so much excitement! I was already wearing my dress it was coloured periwinkle which was a light purple. It's my favourite colour. I was also wearing my golden high heels that matched my golden mask. Tonight is going to be a night that I shall never forget!

A few hours passed and I was at the front entrance of the school hall, which they turned into the ball room. I saw Courtney in her stunning silver gown with a light pink mask covering her face. I could tell it was her because we showed each other our gowns a few days ago. We entered and saw everyone dancing, eating, talking, and most of the other girls were flirting... LOL! It was 9:00pm and I was getting quite restless at the table so Courtney told me to get up and dance, as we still had 3 more hours until we all went with a guy to dance with at midnight and hope that he's the one. It was so much fun! Dancing your heart out with no one knowing who you were. That meant that no one could tease you about anything! I felt so good!

It's now 11:30pm. Thirty minutes until I go to the man that remains unknown to me. I have danced with many guys and it was a lot of fun! the fact that you're spending a whole night with just you and your friends. Forgetting all the problems and worries that you have, actually trying to enjoy yourself. It may seem like were careless but I felt so free. Personally, that was the best feeling that I have ever had in a very long time!



An announcement went on. " Can all ladies please line up in one line and the males on the other side in a line as well." I wondered what was going on. My mind went completely blank, I had no idea! But then I saw Courtney who was signalling me to go through the doors that go to the garden. I can't believe that I have forgotten! It was 12 midnight meaning that I would meet the guy who gave me the letter and decided to stay anonymous.

I ran out to the garden where it was all dark and quiet. I stood there for a minute searching for him, then suddenly some light switched on. Beautiful lights that were wrapped around the trees that surrounded me, gentle music playing (The song 'On The Wings Of Love' to be exact.) It all felt like I was living in one of the fairy tales that Ma and Pa used to tell me about when I was I child. I spun around twice, looking up with my arms open wide to make me feel more like a princess. I heard the voice of a man from the other side of the walk way. My mind came back to the reality of life. I turned around, and there he was, standing there behind the mask. "I knew that you would come."

"what made you so sure?" I replied

"because you're Nadia and I know that you would do anything to solve a mystery." We started a conversation while slowly walking towards each other, step by step.

"so you must know me pretty well then."

"every detail. From how you feel about your personal life and how you look physically. I have always been there for you. You just don't realise it." We were standing faced to face now and his voice sounded so familiar.

"I feel like you're stalking me now!"

"ha, you wish!" he held out his hand in front of me. "may I have this dance?"

I nodded whilst still smiling under the mask. I slipped my hands into his and it just seemed to fit perfectly. I followed his steps but I didn't think we were doing it right.

"so if you know every detail about me, I'm guessing that you know that I don't dance." I said

"hmm... well it's never too late to learn something new." He whispered the next part. "I don't know how to dance either!" he was literally pulling and throwing me from one place to another, side to side, it was very cute and it seemed like there was a playful side to him. Suddenly he pulled me right up to his chest, I stood there and stared at his eyes. They seemed dreamier than my own dreams! I finally decided to ask, "so, who are you Mr. anonymous?"

"why don't you find out for yourself?"

It was just a natural instinct for me to slowly pull my hands up towards the mask. I lifted the mask and everything was going slow motion again. I saw the lips, then the tip of his nose, then the eyes and when I lifted the mask up completely my jaw dropped. "Cam... er...on... cameron!?" I was trembling while saying his name. There was a long period of silence. "please say something to me." he said quietly and very nervously

"I don't know... what... to... say..."

"look, Nadia. Like I said in the letter, you really do mean the world to me and need you by my side all the time. I didn't tell you straight away because I was scared it would ruin our friendship, but then I realised that there's nothing wrong with actually trying. I love you Nadia, I always have, and I always will. I dont want to surprise you or ruin anything we have, so will you please, be my girlfriend"

Tears started running down my face. This time they were tears of joy. I nodded again. Speechless from everything that has just happened. I hugged him and said "I love you too Cameron. I have only realised it a few days ago but I will never leave you."

"don't cry you're going to ruin your make up." I hit him playfully on the shoulder and started laughing.

"do you want to go and walk around?" I nodded again, still speechless.

Hopelessly waiting for youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon