So this is where it ends

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I'm on my way to Holly's house. Courtney offered to accompany me but I knew that I needed to do this on my own. I needed to prove to myself that I am capable of doing things on my own. Yes, I know that it is good to let people help you along the way but Courtney has helped me so much that it makes me feel like I can always fall back on her. I need to know that I can be an independent woman.

As I walk through the many streets of Paris I am constantly at awe. I start thinking about everything. I started to think about the fact that every single one of us has our own story. We have our own fears, hopes, dreams, ambitions, problems, insecurities, everything! We just experience it differently. I remembered getting bullied when I was younger and the loneliness I felt during that period of time. I realise now that I am somehow doing this to Holly and my father. They may have hurt me but that doesn't give me the right to return the favour because if I do, I will become no different to them. We all have a heart that's beating and a mind that's working. Just because someone does something wrong doesn't mean that we haven't done it before. So, we should be more understanding because we know what they are experiencing.

Before I knew it, I arrived at Holly's apartment door. I knocked and the door slowly opened.


"The one and only." I said trying to smile. At least it wasn't one of the fake ones I've been giving her. "Is you're mother here? I need to talk to you."

"No. She's at work. I'm surprised she hasn't been fired yet... Not that I want her to get fired!"

I laughed a bit. "Don't worry. I know Mrs Garcia, she wouldn't just fire your mum." It was an awkward silence after that. I was just waiting for her to let me in.

"Oh, right. Come in, come in!" there was a bit of hesitation in her voice and I knew why. Couldn't blame her for feeling this way, not after everything that I have done to her.

I entered her clean apartment and sat on one of the Sofas.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I wanted to start off by saying... I'm sorry. I am truly sorry. I was filled up with so much anger and hate that it took over my mind and I pushed you away when you tried to apologise. I should've been more understanding. I should've let you explain properly. I should've..."

"Hey, it's alright." She stood up from her seat to sit next to me and she rubbed my back in comfort. "Don't keep dwelling on the past. Stop thinking of the should have's. You're not the only one at wrong here. I should've told you the truth as soon as possible. I knew that Cameron was your boyfriend back in the Philippines. But my need for money took over. You were right about me, I prioritised money over my real friends."

"I guess we were both wrong."


"And it took us, I mean me, this long to realise it."

"I guess."

We both sat there in a comfortable silence. Staring at the floor processing what each of us said to each other.

"I'm sorry." We both said in unison. We laughed at the coincidence. "I forgive you." We both said again. That made us laugh even more. We gave each other a hug then soon pulled away after realising how dramatic we were being.

"So, we're good now? Right? I mean, I know you said that we can't be friends anymore but-"

"Don't mind what I said before. I was just angry."

"Okay... so, friends?"

"Friends!" I smiled at her eagerly. It felt nice to finally solve my problem with Holly. "By the way, I'm going back to the Philippines tomorrow."

Hopelessly waiting for youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon