Airport date

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I am currently waiting for my date to arrive and he is like 10 minutes late! I mean, I might be going overboard again but still! After a long time of worrying, doubting and trembling the doorbell finally rang.

"Pizza Delivery for Nadia Satola!"

What?! Where's my date? I never ordered pizza."

"Sorry I didn't order pizza, someone probably just pranked you or something." I looked down on my phone 10:15! Where is he!?

"Ummm sorry miss, but I need to give you this pizza. Please just take it! My boss will get mad, and possibly fire me, if I don't do all the other deliveries on time."

I sighed. I have nothing better to do anyways. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hi. How much is the pizza?" I asked while looking through my wallet.

"It's free." I looked up at him in disbelief. He just smiled.

"You can't just give free pizza! I mean, I love pizza! But giving out pizza for free is just wrong."

"Someone already paid for it. So it's free for you."

"Who paid for it?"

"Sorry I can't say who. Look, just take the pizza already!"

I hesitated when I took the pizza box. One side of me said 'just take the food and eat it. It's free anyways.' And the other side was saying 'give the pizza back to him! He probably went to the wrong address.' But guess which side I listened to? THE FIRST ONE!!! I was hungry anyways.

I walked inside and placed the pizza onto the table. I stared at it for some time then looked at my phone. 10:25. IM GOING TO KILL HIM! I got bored so I decided to open the pizza and eat some. I lifted the lid and saw that the pizza had different toppings that created small heart shapes. There was cheese shaped as a heart, salami in the centre shaped as a heart, mushrooms shaped as a heart and pineapples shaped as a heart (just to name a few.) each slice had a different topping. I then saw a sticky note on the inside of the lid, it read, 'I hope you like the pizza. Look outside the window.' Without even thinking I ran to the window, opened it and poked my head out. I looked down to see Cameron leaning against a roofless Peugeot staring at his phone playing... CANDY CRUSH? Wow, I thought he would play something like clash of clans.

"Hey Cameron! Nice car!"

"Thanks! I was wondering when you would look out the window. Your late!"

"ME?! you're the one who's late!"

"We'll talk about this later. Put the pizza in the microwave, we can eat it when we get back."

I happily obliged to his request but wouldn't it be better eating the pizza fresh? When I completed his task, I walked out the door, ran down the stairs, walked out another door and found myself standing in front of the Peugeot. I have always dreamed about getting a car like this! I don't have enough money right now... But I am saving!

"Come on! Let's go! I've been waiting for 30 minutes!" Cameron complained.

"You? waiting 30 minutes? I was the one waiting 30 minutes!"

"Really? Then why didn't you check if I was already waiting?"

"Because I was expecting for you to come to my door and pick me up!"

"Well you shouldn't assume!"

"Well you should be more of a gentleman!"

"Well what if I'm not like other gentlemen?"

Hopelessly waiting for youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon