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My name is Jasmine and a few thing about me i have 12 siblings which is a lot and a single mother who tries her hardest to make us have a normal life.But i know it's not gonna happen my brothers are the ones who stress my mother the most they are always getting in trouble and my mother trying to be a role model helps them out of it.But my sisters are very different we are like my mother we help out but having a family this big stuff doesn't always go how you want it to go no matter how hard you try.Well i should probably explain to you who all of these children are since i am the 4th youngest i'm 18 years old. This summer my mom thought it would be best if i went to go to visit my mom's long time friend her name is Lucy Emerson she has two sons which i wouldn't mind growing up with brothers like mine there is nothing that can phase you my brothers are always starting fights so i picked up on that and they taught me a few things about being bad. 

  Anyway i have 8 brothers and 4 sisters so being in a way smaller family for a summer is gonna be the best thing that has ever happened to me.So like i said i should probably introduce you to my family. 

I should start off with the beginning my mother her name is Melissa she is a one of a kind she is a very strong women and it takes a lot to raise 13 kids on your own and being single.She is constantly working so that leaves us with everyone the older kids take care of the younger ones. Ok let me finally tell you about the hell children aka all of my siblings so let me start off with all of the boys which i call the very original hell children.

Jose the eldest of my brothers he is 25 so let me tell you he is a very sporty guy and unlike my brothers he tries to stay out of trouble. The second oldest is Miguel 24 he is really smart and doesn't really get into trouble. Then the third of them is Justis 23 this is where we start getting into the hell children he likes to get in trouble and doesn't really listen. The fourth is Julian 22 he is a lot like Justis they are basically twins but Julian is a bit worse he gets into fights and one time had to go to boot camp to keep him out of trouble but when he came back he was still the same. The fifth is it just me or god this list is already getting long anyway the fifth it Jacob 22 he is like a combo of all of the older ones he is athletic smart and gets into trouble a hell of a lot. The sixth is Tony he is 20 he Prefers video games then his real family and if he is talking to us he usually is starting a fight with my sister. The seventh finally almost the end of these boys is Gio 9 years old he is the nicest of my brothers since he is still the youngest of the family he likes to make everyone laugh and is really hyper. The last of the boys is finally here meet Jayden 8 he is just like tony stays with video games since he is the youngest of the family he gets away with anything because he is the baby.

Now here come the angels well my sisters are a mixture of hell and angel kids. The eldest of the group is Alexis 20 she is going to college soon and she is a really nice girl she is so pretty and smart she is perfect she works to help my mom. Second oldest is Christy 19 she is always arguing with Tony and she loves Gio and Jayden the most she is just like my sister Lexi smart and beautiful she is still in school doing her thing and like my sister  works. Third is Julianna 18 but your probably wondering how is she older then you if your the same age well she is turning 19 and i just turned 18 so yea she like my brothers get in trouble she gets into some fights here and there but she is getting better.Then there is me Jasmine 18 years old i'm like my brothers and sister i can be mean and nice when i chose to but mostly if you mess with people i love we are going to fight. Then the youngest sister is Izabella 10 she is the one that fights with Jayden they always fight always get in trouble together so both of them end up in trouble she usually calls him names.

   So as you can see i am really happy to get out of this house and go to Santa Carla with my best friend what is the worst that can happen?

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