Chapter 24

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The boys decided they were going to go grab a real meal and leave "come on Laddie let's get you ready for bed" I said grabbing his hand he nodded and followed me to my room I laid him in my bed and put his teddy in his arms."where are you going mom?" Laddie asked "I'm going to go see someone I really miss I will be back before you know it okay" I kissed his cheek but he hugged me "Don't leave me" Laddie said "I promised i never would i'm just gonna go on a trip and come back i promise" i said Laddie let go and turned to his side i frowned and blew out the candle and walked out of my room. "You leaving?" i turned to Star "Yeah i'm going to see my family take care of my boys" i said hugging her "I will" she said we parted and i hopped on my bike and drove off i sped dodging between cars passing the sign that said now leaving Santa Carla and began my trip to Arizona.

After many hours of riding and dodging between cars i arrived at a gas station i got off my bike and looked around for a drink i found a boy and smiled i strutted over to him "Can you help me my bike seems to  not working mind if you can help me out" i said "Yeah anything for a girl like you" i smirked at his remark and dragged his arm behind the building "Your bikes back here?" he asked "Yeah weird i know" i lied i pulled him close to me and smiled. "You didn't have to lie to have fun with me" he said i felt my fangs grow and nails i smiled and pulled his neck close and bit into it. I let go of his body and pushed it to the ground and smirked i wiped my mouth and walked back to my bike and started it up i looked at every house until i found my own. i took a deep breath and looked at my watch and it was 5 am i had to go in now or never i knocked on the door and heard footsteps walking close i heard the handle being twisted "Hello?" i said "Jasmine oh i didn't expect you to be here especially at this time" my mom said hugging me. "I thought i should surprise you can i come in?" i asked "Of course you can why don't you go get some rest you have been driving all night hun" my mom said i smiled and but my foot on the boarder of the door and stepped in. "Your room is exactly how you left it" my mom said i smiled and ran upstairs i closed the door and locked it and took out a nightgown. i put it on looked out the window and the sun began to rise i sped into my closet and shut it and hung from the bars.

All threw my slumber i heard knocking on my door and shouting but i still slept threw it until there was one more bang on the door i shot my eyes open and walked over to the door. i calmed down and swung it open "What?" i asked "Mom wants us all downstairs so get your ass moving" my brother said i pushed him out of the way and walked downstairs and sat down at the table. "You hungry hun?" my mom asked i was hungry but not for what she was offering "I'm fine mom" i said "alright i thought you would be since it's already nine" she said "so where have  you been?" "Hows Santa Carla?" "Did you meet any cute boys?" "Why did you stay there?" all my brothers and sisters asked "One at a time please" i said "And i have been with the Emerson's and with a group of my friends" i answered "I wish i could have come Michael is a cutie" my sister said. "And Santa Carla beside being the murder capital of the world is beautiful and the boardwalk is beautiful" i said "And yes i did meet some boys their names are David, Dwayne,Marko and Paul oh and Star and Laddie" i said "do you have a boyfriend" my sister teased "well there was a fling with David but it didn't really work out" i said "And i stayed their because i didn't want to leave it was to beautiful and i had made so many friends there" i answered "Jazz the phones from you it's from David" she said i rolled my eyes and got up from the table. i walked over and grabbed the phone i hid in a corner "what?" i asked "Where the hell are you" David asked "I'm fine relax" i said "When are you coming home the boys haven't been the same without you hear and all of us have gotten a lot hungrier since you left" David said "I might be going back tomorrow" i said "Laddie isn't doing so good Jazz" Paul said i heard David and Paul fighting over the phone. "Why what's wrong with him" i asked "He has been vamping out a lot to the point where we gotta keep him locked up with the other three i think when you left it triggered something in him" Paul said "Will he be alright till tomorrow?" i asked biting my knuckle. "yeah he should" Paul said "Let me speak to him please" i said i heard the phone being passed "Mom?" "Hi Laddie i hear you haven't been to great whats wrong?" i asked "I don't know i just get so hungry and i just end up almost hurting people" he said "It's okay Laddie i will be home soon will you be okay until then?" i asked "Yeah i will be okay i love you mom" Laddie said my heart almost broke at that "I love you too Laddie" i said the line went dead and i looked up and everyone was staring "everything alright?" my mom asked. "Yeah Stars little brother isn't feeling that good and the boys are a bit worried about him" i said. 

I heard the phone ring again i picked it up and answered "We need you now Laddie needs you now" "He was just okay what happened?" i asked "I don't know we are on our way to Arizona i don't know how he's going to be until your with him again" Dwayne said. "But i wasn't going home till tomorrow" i said "Either you have Laddie become a full vampire and stay ten or you can give him a chance and save him right now"Dwayne said "Alright, alright when will you be here?" i asked "hopefully before sunrise if we are lucky and if we speed" Dwayne said. "Keep him safe alright he's only a little boy and he just misses me" i said "I will keep him safe"  Dwayne said "Thanks you" i said "we will be there soon stay safe" Dwayne said then the line went dead i hung the phone back up and all my brothers had me cornered. "You have been acting all weird since you got here whats going on?" my brother asked "Nothing i already told you" i said "I think your lying" another said i rolled my eyes and then i felt someone pinch my arm i looked up and growled then Jacob stopped "Whats going on with your eyes?" he asked "Something is in my eye" i said turning around "Whatever we will find out what your hiding eventually we always do" he said walking off.

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