Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes she sun shinning into my eyes i stood up and stumbled around for my glasses i grabbed them and put them on. i looked at the clock it was only 12:00 pm Laddie was still asleep like the rest of them i stumbled over to the door and opened it right away my brothers were in my face. "You look like shit mom wants you downstairs" Jacob said laughing while running down the stairs with the rest i turned around and shut the door twisting it extra to make sure it was stuck closed. I held onto the railing walking down the stairs grabbing onto anything that could hold me up i looked around the house sun shinning everywhere i walked over to the kitchen and sat down " Are you hungry?" my sister asked i shook my head "I'm fine i had enough to eat last night" i put my head down on the counter everything this morning felt heightened everything more sensitive. "Well you look like you need something" she said putting a plate in front of me. "Really i'm not hungry" i pushed it back to her she pushed back i grabbed her arm "I said i'm not hungry" i said letting go of her arm. My mom came in "Everything alright" she asked "Yes everything is fine" i said "Then why do you have sunglasses on in the house" she said "The light it's hurting my eyes" i said "Well take them off we are in the house" she said crossing her arms i felt my teeth grow i put my head down quickly "Jasmine take them off now" she said "Alright" i said my teeth going back in i lifted my head up and slowly took them off i put them on the table. 

"Happy" i replied "Whats wrong with your eyes" my brother asked "Nothing" i said "I'm going back to my room to pack my stuff" i said grabbing my glasses almost falling out of the chair. "Are you sure your going to be able to drive back" my mom said "Maybe you should have one of your brothers take you to your house" she added "No i'm fine really" i said walking up the stairs i broke the handle to the door and opened it i shut it quickly sitting down on the bed. I felt my eyes shutting falling back asleep on the bed.

I shot my eyes open and sat up this time more awake the boys greeted me smirking "time to go princess" Marko said pulling me up i groaned i looked over at Laddie who was still asleep i shook him and he opened his eyes slowly. "Come on Laddie it's time to go" i said he nodded getting off of the bed i smiled fixing his hair I grabbed Laddie's hand i followed the boys out of my room Star in the front "Leaving already" my mom asked "Yeah it's a long trip back" i said grabbing my leather jacket "You can't leave your birthday is coming up now thats not fair" my brother said "I still have things to tie up in Santa Carla i can't stay any longer" i said opening the front door the boys walked out "Bye everyone" i said shutting the door i sat down on my bike starting it i grabbed Laddie's arm helping him onto the bike. "Let's get out of this place" i said speeding off "You think you will visit back again" Marko shouted "No" i said "Why not don't you miss them at least you get to see your family" Paul said "It's for there own safety that i don't see them" i said speeding up dodging between cars. "She has a point boys" David said "Plus we don't need to risk them finding out what i am" i said "Well at least we aren't losing you" Marko said laughing. I heard Laddie have a little laugh as well he was the little boy again.

The sun started rising we had reached the Santa Carla sign "Do you think we are gonna make it" i asked going faster "We got to try" Dwayne said we continued to go fast speeding past everyone we saw and Car the sun started rising by the cave i felt my hand start burning i bit my jaw in pain "Laddie cover your eyes" i said he grabbed his jacket and covered his face i stopped the bike at the edge the sun burning my body i grabbed Laddie and sped into the cave falling to the ground with Laddie the boys joined with burn marks on them. I stood up picking up a sleeping Laddie i carried him to my room and laid him down on the bed covering his body with the blankets i walked back out to check on the boys David had tears rolling down his cheek from the burns he had received i walked over to him and checked to see he was okay he quickly turned around and wiped his face not showing any tears. "Is everyone alright" i asked they all nodded they all flew into the cave except David "You should get some sleep we have to deal with Michael and Sam and the others tomorrow or Max won't be happy that we are delaying his schedule" i said "I will just give me a minuet" he said i turned to walk into my bed room i laid in the bed drifting asleep.

I heard David light a cig i felt his worry and stress i opened my eyes and got up i walked out into the "living room" and sat down on Davids lap "Your stressed and worried whats wrong" i said "nothing" he said "Your lying i can tell i feel it" i said "I'm afraid i'm going to fail the boys" David said "Your not you have led them this far without harming them they would die for you and you know it" i said "Whatever" he said i grabbed his face to make it face me "How about we go out tonight with the boys all of them so they know your not as scary as you seem" i said "And how do you know that" he asked "Because i don't think i would have fell in love with a monster" i said standing up "Now get some rest tonight  we party" i said laying down on my bed falling asleep in the silk sheets.

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