Chapter 14

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♡Jasmines p.o.v♡

"Stop stop please dont hurt them" "Stop" "please make it stop" i said turning in my sleep "Stop" i said waking up and sitting up. I started breathing really heavy "Are you alright jazz" David said " yea just a bad dream" I said laying back down.

I went back to sleep then woke up again i got out of bed and looked out if the cave it was night so i could go out i sat on the couch and started thinking. "He is not gonna take me away from my family" i said thinking laying down "and wait till my mom finds out what he did to me". "Jas you okay"Paul said walking out of my room "Yeah i just had a bad dream" i said sitting up "What was it about?" Paul said sitting next to me.

"My dad, i was with my mom and siblings and you all where there and my dad started hitting all of my family and saying your gonna pay" i said. "Don't worry we wont let that happen" he said kissing my head "thanks Paul i really needed that" i said getting up "where you going" Paul asked "i'm getting change i have blood on this sweater" i said laughing walking into my room.

I got dressed and walked out i sat down and Paul was still there "So why did you wake up so early" i asked messing with his hair "because i felt you feeling scared and upset" he said putting his head in my lap. " Aww is my Paul actually a teddy bear on the inside" i said laughing "No" he said serious "Dont worry your secret is safe with me" i said laughing.

"Guys come on i just woke up"Marko said walking in "Oh come on Marko you know i love you too" i said blowing a kiss. "Yeah yeah whatever" he said sitting down on the other side of me. "So boys we got plans today"David said lighting a cigarette "oh yeah and what is the plan" i said winking "Today we cause trouble" he said breathing in "Now thats what i like to hear" i said rubbing my hands together "Since the surf nazis want to boardwalk back we will visit them" David said grinning.

"Then what are we waiting for lets go kick some surf nazi ass" i said smirking "First we have to have one of them invite us to where they are now" David said "i got this one boys" i said getting up "lets go and Laddie stays with Star" i said walking out of the cave. "Boys this is gonna be a blood bash" i saix showing my fangs "we sure missed you jazz"Dwayne said "Now lets head to the boardwalk i can smell them in the air" i said starting my bike.

I got off of my bike and walked around and saw a surf nazi "Boys i found one" i said smiling "alrigh why dont you tell him you wanna go to his club house" Paul said "easy" i said walking. I started talking to the guy with my vamp charm "Yeah follow me" he said grabbing my hand.
'Well boys looks like we found the house'
I walked into a ware house and saw lots of surf nazis "Boys this is Jasmine she wants to join us" he said smaking my ass "Watch it hun" i said walking over to a couch "fiesty i like it" he said sitting next to me.
'David we are in some ware house come soon before i eat all of them'
'We are on our way'
"So what do you do anyway" i asked "We do what we want to do" a teenager with brown hair said "Sounds fun" i said "Christian why dont you show this beautiful girl your room im sure she will enjoy" another boy said winking.

"Come on i will show u fun" i said grabbing him he lead me to his room he closed the door snd locked it and laid down i sat on top of him and started kissing him i got closer to his neck and covered his mouth and bit him. "I'm a lost girl i will never be a surf nazi" i said finishing feeding i wiped my mouth and threw him in the closet i opened the door and walked out and saw the boys "Hello boys" i said waving.

All of the surf nazis looked terrified "Did any of them touch you?" David said "Yeah but i took care of it dont worry love" i said walking over to the boys "so i hear you all are trying to take the boardwalk back yes" i said looking at all of them "and we intend on doing it bitch" the teenager said. " watch what you say to me kid" i said walking over to him and grabbing his shirt "Now Jasmine play nice he is just a kid"Paul said "But brother i wanna have fun" i said "Drop him" Paul said "Fine" i said letting go.

"So as i was saying we won fair you are not taking the boardwalk back" i said going by the door and locking it. "If its a fight your looking for you came to the right place bitch" a girl said "Now thats two i call" i said walking to David "Now can we please do the fun now" i said looking at David "Go ahead those two are all yours" David said putting his arm around me.

I vamp sped and grabbed both of them and pushed them into a room "What the hell are you?" The girl said "Someone you dont mess with" i said throwimg her against a wall i started hearing screams in the living room. "Oh your gonna get it now" the girl said running towards me with a knife i grabbed her arm and twisted it "oh really" i said transforming and biting her "Who are you?" The boy said as i held him " a lost girl" i said choking him "let me go i wont tell anyone please" he said trying to get air i bit him he started yelling for help then i dropped his body.

I walked into the living room and everyone was dead and the boys had blood all over them "now i have blood on my new white shirt" i said walking to David. " you look hot with blood on you" i said kissing David. "Well boys i have one more thing to take care of" i said walking out.

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