Chapter 39

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I walked out getting into the car driving off I drove down anywhere a party would be and in no time there was one in sight. I stopped the car smirking as the house filled with people I took the keys out and followed a couple into the party. I grabbed a cup of beer chugging it down while everyone danced I walked over to the door locking it. I turned around looking at how many people were there and felt my teeth grow in seconds. I grabbed a girl smacking her into the wall sinking my teeth into her neck I quickly let go once I finished and made my way to more soon the house was filled with blood less bodies. I wiped my mouth and walked out of the house driving back to the mansion I walked into the house and into the bedroom to see Lorenzo putting on his sweatpants. I quickly covered my eyes and continued to walk.

"You can look I don't mind" I heard him say shook my head as I took off my combat boots and leather jacket.

"Here" he said throwing his shirt I quickly turned around grabbing it.

"Looks like you got faster too" he said getting in bed I took off my pants and shirt replacing it with his own.

I tied my hair up and sat down in the bed thinking I felt lips collide with my neck once again I rolled my eyes and pushed him off.

"What's this" he asked wiping my jaw.

"Nothing" I said as I wiped the blood of his finger.

He ignored and once again started kissing my neck slowly moving to my collarbone. Eventually I gave up and just let him do whatever he wanted so I could think one thing lead to another. And well I think you get the picture. I rolled over in the bed putting on the shirt walking to the balcony watching the sun slowly begin rising. I watched as the sun eventually hit my hands slowly burning it I walked into the closet laying down on the floor with a blanket and a pillow falling asleep. It felt like only seconds until I felt someone shaking me I growled putting my face in the pillow.

"Wake up we have to get ready" Matteo said i swatted him away opening my eyes slowly as they adjusted to the brightness.

I stood up stretching as i looked around for something i looked through the drawers trying to find something. I grabbed a bottle of sun screen and tried it i put my hand out in the sun closing my eyes preparing for the worst. I opened my eyes and my hand was normal i smirked running into the bathroom putting it all over my body.

"Hey lets go" I heard from outside.

"You ignorant man if you don't stop telling me what to do I'll rip your vocal chords out" I said to myself while putting on my jeans light blue jeans and white shirt.

I grabbed my bandana wrapping it around my mouth and walked out of the room. And put on my boots.

"Your really going out like that" I turned my head to the side as Lorenzo  leaned against the door frame.

"No when I get there I'm gonna run through naked" I mocked brushing past him.

"Why do you have such and attitude with people?" He asked following after.

"I don't they have one with me" I said grabbing my leather jacket.

"You and your excuses" he laughed I turned around grabbing his shit pushing him again the wall.

"If you keep on talking I'm going to rip your tongue out" I said pushing him up the wall.

"That's not what you were saying last night" he joked I put my hand on his throat.

"I won't hesitate Lorenzo so if I were you I would do my best not to piss me off it is to early for me I am tired now shut up" I said letting go of him as I walked out.

I walked sat down in the car closing my eyes as I put my head back in my seat the car door opened and shut as the car began moving. I soon fell asleep and then was awoken I opened my eyes and got out of the car walking into the building. I grabbed three cups filling them with coffee I sat down in the chair and smacked my cheek waking myself.

"I thought I told you to get rest" my dad said entering the room.

"I did for an hour" I replied drinking the coffee he shook his head as he made his way towards the table.

"Will you be able to complete today without any problems?" He asked I nodded slowly closing my eyes.

"If you don't then.... I don't think I have to go through the speech with you do I?" He asked I shook my head as I set the empty cup on the table.

"Good now sir up straight and try to at least act like your paying attention" he said hitting the table I shot my eyes open.

"I cant wait to get away from this selfish man and just go back to the cave and live out my eternal life" I said to myself as I continued to down the cups.

Soon everyone else came in we got our bags along with our weapons. I got in the passenger seat as we drove off everyone prepared to do their best. I tried my best to keep awake and focused.

"The bank is an hour away get some rest" the boy said I smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep quickly.

I shot my eyes open as someone touched my shoulder I turned around to see the girl pointing to the bank. I looked at it up and down as people walked in and out of the building.

"Let the show begin"

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now