Chapter 35

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"You lied to me you told me I had a choice you told me I was not a vampire till I became a full one" I walked into the room and saw Gia crying.

"Look I know you might be mad at Dwayne and yes he should have told you about the causes but when your in love you to stupid things and Dwayne is in love with you. If you don't want to be a vampire you know what to do" i said leaving the room for them to talk.

"What did she say?" Star asked

"She isn't happy about what Dwayne did i mean he did lie to her and all but i don't think she will go to the extremes to take it away" i said looking back at her.

"I hope not Dwayne is a good man i don't think he could bare losing someone he loves you guys may be monsters to them but to us your family and we don't survive without family" Star said smiling.

"Yeah he is let's get some air there's to much tension and stress" i said walking outside with Star we leaned against the wall as i took out a cigarette.

"When they turned you did you know about it?" Star asked looking at the stars

"No i thought it was just wine i started noticing little things here and there but then i saw you guys again and he told me what i was i have to admit i was pretty pissed and angry at him and at myself" i said puffing out smoke.

"Do you think she will stay?" she asked.

"Who knows we can't really force her" i look around and watch as cars pass by.

"You know the other day i was pretty upset because i was so weak that i couldn't get out of a mind trick" i said throwing the last of the cigarette on the floor.

"It wasn't like you could really do anything they are hard to get out of David used to them them to me a lot after we broke up because he was angry" she said laughing.

"I know but i was supposed to be watching you guys not the other way around" you laugh you here jumping on the roof and turn around.

I put my hand to my lip signaling star to be quit i grab an umbrella and break off the cloth leaving it in only a sharp pole. I look around before jumping onto the roof i look around and see two vampires feeding on teens i run over throwing them off driving one of the poles into their heart.

"I was having a great dinner you know" i said ripping out the pole looking for the other soon as that happens you get tackled to the floor.

"Lexi?" i ask getting up.

"I know this looks bad but i'm not one of them" she said helping me up.

"Then why were you feeding on the-" you look over and see they are gone you speed around the building to check if they are close but they are gone no smell of blood nothing.

"What are you doing in Santa Carla" i asked sitting on the edge of the roof.

"Star it's okay you can come up" you whisper soon i turn my sister around and Star jumps up and joins the two of us.

"Mom wanted me to come here to see why you have been acting so strange so when i got here i learned about the creatures who walked the night so i set out to find some and people said some would be here" she said.

"So you tried killing someone to see if it was true" i said looking her in the eye.

"You need to get out of here and go home it isn't safe for you not now" i said standing up walking her to the ladder.

"Wait how did you get up here so quick and why did you kill him" she asked moving her arm.

"Don't worry about it you need to go back to Arizona" i said arguing back.

"Why? you don't think i can handle myself" she argued.

"These people are far stronger then you Lex i don't want you hurt" i said.

"I should be the one worrying about you your my little sister" she said.

"Listen i'm tell mom i'm fine and you forget all about Santa Carla okay" i said i looked behind Lexi and saw a few Vampires.

"Star take my sister inside and stay by her" i said watching as the people swiftly moved.

"Lexi listen to me get inside" i said she looked behind and saw two boys faces transformed.

"Leave her alone Alex" i said warning the boys from the ball.

"How do you know these two?" Lexi asked.

"Star take her out of here" i said Star grabbed her pulling her back.

"I'm hungry join us for a snack" he said.

"She's my sister if you touch a hair on her head i'll rip yours off" i warned.

"Jasmine?" she asked.

"Get out of here now!" i yelled turning around Lexi screamed in fear and ran with Star.

"Look you scared our food away" he joked laughing.

"get out of here you know you don't own this part and if Max finds you he will kick your ass" i said walking towards them.

"Is there a problem boys?" you turn around and see the boys.

"This cute one scared away our dinner" he said poking nose i punched him in the nose.

"Don't touch me or my sister asshole" i said.

"Wow for a newborn you sure are tough" he said standing up wiping his nose.

"For an old one you sure are weak" i snapped he threw his fist towards me i grabbed it twisting his hand slightly.

"Get out of my town and leave my sister alone if i find you near my sister or anywhere near Santa Carla i'll tear your arms right off" i said breaking his hand.

They laughed before flying off "I had it you know" i said jumping down from the building.

"We know you did but we wanted to see if he would start running before you did anything" Marko said opening the door i walked in and saw my sister at the table with Star.

"Come on we're leaving" i said Lexi nodded standing up.

"What are you going to do about her?" Dwayne asked.

"She wants to know about the Monsters of the night" i said looking back at her i looked back and saw David smirking on his bike.

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