Chapter 8

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I got off of my bike and ran into the video store "Thank you so much" i said hugging Lucy "No problem Laddie was an angel" she said smiling "Mom tonight i am spending the night at my friends Star's house i said picking up Laddie "Okay have fun dear" she said waving at me and Laddie as we walked out of the store i walked threw people "Jasmine can i talk to you?" someone said grabbing my shoulder i turned around and saw Mason."Um now isnt such a good time" i said starting to walk away "It will only take a minuet" he said "Fine you have one minuet the boys don't like waiting "Will you go out with me tomorrow night?" he said "Sure meet me here tomorrow at 8" i said walking off "Laddie what did i just do?" i said "Nothing mom nothing" he said smiling. I got on my bike and Laddie behind me "Let's go home boys" i said roaring my bike to life.

We drove around and i felt Laddie start falling asleep by the time we got to the cave Laddie was passed out on my back i got up and picked him up and started carrying him."You know you would make a good mom" Dwayne said "Thanks" i said smiling and walking into the cave i put laddie in his bed and covered him in his sheets and put his teddy bear in his arms."Boys i have a date tomorrow night wanna come?" i said walking into the ' living room' "Yeah" Marko said "I wanna make him jealous" i said smirking and sitting on Paul's lap "I like how your thinking" Paul said kissing my cheek. "Well boys we better go to sleep" i said getting up "Your sleeping with us tonight" Marko said grabbing my hand and dragging me into a deeper part of the cave.

We all flew up and went to sleep.

I woke up and flew down i walked into the main part of the cave and i dug threw a trunk and found something to wear i put it on and walked into the room where Star and Laddie where. Some how they where still asleep even though the sun was down i walked back into the ' living room' and sat down "Hello hot stuff"Marko said sitting down next to me and putting his arm around me "Hello babe" i said kissing his cheek. "Come on i just woke up no lovey dovey shit" Paul said sitting on the other side of me the rest of the boys woke up along with Star and Laddie i looked at my watch it was about to be 8 "Come on guys we have a date to go to and Star i think Michael is gonna be at the boardwalk tonight" i said nudging her arm.

I got on my bike and Laddie was on Dwayne's we rode to the boardwalk i got off of my bike "C'mon boys lets party" i yelled "Hell yea" Paul said getting off of his bike and grabbing me and swinging me around "Little man dance with me" i said grabbing Laddie and swinging him around. "Jasmine you ready" Mason said in front of me "yeah lets go" i said the boys followed behind us Star walked away when she saw Michael.

"Do they have to be here with us?" Mason said whispering in my ear "Yes they do" i said "So where is your little brother?" Mason said "He isnt my little brother" i said stopping "Then who is he?" he said "He is my son and his name is Laddie" i said. "Oh" he said kind of awkward "Boys what do you wanna eat?" i asked turning back towards them.

"What i wanna eat can send me to jail" Marko said "Oh bite me" i said "Okay" Marko said walking up to me "Um Jasmine i think he really is gonna bite you" Mason said "If he bites me i bite back" i said jumping on Pauls back "So Mason how long have you been in town?" i said " only for a few days" he said "i see" i said jumping off of Pauls back he put his arm around me.

' i know you wanna kiss me Paul'

'yea but i can't with lover boy here'

'who said' i said talking to him in his mind

he kissed me and i looked back at Mason "Jasmine i'm not feeling to good i wanna go home"Mason said "But you haven't even seen the best part of this date" i said smiling."I was gonna take you to the train tracks that's where the real party begins" i said smirking

'are you trying to kill this boy'

'relax David i'm just messing with him'

"Come on let's go to the carousel" i said running with Laddie "Laddie you know this date is really for me and you" i said kissing his nose as he got on the horse.The boys followed behind and i looked at Mason who looked terrified "Everything okay" i said Paul hit Mason in the shoulder "yeah everything is good" he said sitting down

'what did you boys do?'

' we just told him if he tried anything we would kill him'

' aw look at my boys being jealous'

I sat down next to Mason and held his hand he looked at me and smiled "Don't worry about these boy's they don't bite" i said laughing along with everyone else "Well not hard at least" i said David sat next to me and grabbed my face and Kissed me. "Ew mom" Laddie said i kissed him more aggressively i bit his lip as i let go."Come on everyone i'm starting to get hungry" i said jumping off of the carousel and running threw the crowd i bumped into someone "watch where your going". I took a moment then i realized why that voice was so Familiar "Julian?" i said "Jasmine what are you doing with all of these boys?" he said angry i hid behind David.

' who is he Jasmine'

' this is Julian'

' oh he is gonna get it for what he did to you'

' David no he won't do anything in public'

"I can explain" i said. And with that a hand smashed across my face.

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now