Chapter 4

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I felt someone flicking me "Julian stop flicking me"i said covering my arm then the person started flicking my hand "Julian i said stop" i said grabbing a blanket then they started flicking my head "Julian knock it off before i tell mom" i said grabbing a pillow and hitting the person. "Ow" the person said then they shook me i opened my eyes and saw Sam. "I'm sorry Sam i didn't know it was you" i said sitting up "Who is Julian?" Sam asked getting up off of the floor "Julian is my older brother when i wouldn't wake up he would hit me or punch me so every time someone touches me i think its him" I said grabbing my sunglasses "Why would he do that" Sam said sitting next to me "Because my brother is an asshole and likes to punch me" i said putting my head on Sams shoulder.

"And i thought my brother was an ass" Sam said laughing "Well i would gladly switch eight brothers for you two" i said kissing his cheek and getting up i looked back at Sam who was blushing "Now look who has a crush on me" i said laughing and grabbing some clothes i started taking off my shirt "Your gonna change i front of me" Sam said "No, i'm gonna take a shower i'm just taking off my clothes" i said starting to unbutton my jeans and boots. " Oh" Sam said "You tried to be slick didn't you Sam" i said laughing and grabbing the clothes and walking into the shower it burned i turned the water on and it burned but i still took a shower did my usual thing and got dressed i turned the radio on and started Playing break my stride and started dancing "Come on Sam dance with me" i said grabbing his hand and dancing "Jasmine why are you wearing glasses its 2" he said "Because lets say i had a lot of orange juice" i said winking "Yea sure" he said.

"Wanna go to the comic store today since Tiffany is going back to Arizona" i said dancing "Yeah you can meet my friends i met" Sam said Dancing weird "Oh my lord Sam Emerson made friends" i said laughing "Very funny" Sam said punching my arm."Alright lets get going" i said turning off the radio and walking downstairs "You to Michael" i said "Yep do you remember anything last night?" he asked "nope all i remember is Chinese food" i said walking out of the door my bike was there which was weird because i didn't  leave it their i just got on the bike "Ready Sam" i said "No" he said i started the bike and we drove fast and i stopped at the boardwalk "Come on Jasmine" Sam said holding my hand and dragging me into a Comic book store.I saw two boys staring at me "Do we have a problem boys?" i said crossing my arms "Jasmine these are my friends Edgar and Alan frog" he said "I'm Jasmine" i said grabbing a comic book "Well Sam where is mom" i said "She is at work right now we can stop by in a few minuets" Sam said walking towards the boys i started reading a comic then Alan grabbed it from me "I was reading that" i said grabbing another one "Well now your not" he said smirking "Actually i'm looking for a batman 14 can you help me with that?" i said putting the other one down "They don't have it Jazz" Sam said "Bummer" i said grabbing the comic from Alan "You know your cute but maybe if you weren't such an ass girls would fall for you" i said walking towards Sam "So Edgar do you have a girlfriend?" i said winking "No" he said "You boys should really get out more you guys are cute" i said putting the comic back.

  "Your cute too i guess" Alan said "Thanks hun" i said i walked back over to Sam and punched him in his arm "What was that for?" he said "Thats for waking me up and flicking me" i said punching him one more time."Now why" he said "Because you punched me earlier i said smiling "Well Sam i'm going to go find mom" i said "Goodbye boys" i said blowing a kiss and walking out "Hello Mom" i said sitting on the counter "Hello Jasmine, nice to see you" she said "How was your day?" i asked "Well my shift is almost over since its almost 6" she said smiling "Can i have a lollipop?" i asked "Go ahead" she said smiling i grabbed cherry. "Wanna go get something to eat i am starving" i said "Sure just let me clock out and i will be right with you" she said i started walking out of the store when i heard motorcycles circling i turned around and saw Lucy. "Boys leave her alone" i said walking towards them "Oh come on we are just having fun" Paul said "Then go have fun somewhere else" i said walking next to Lucy "Fine but i will catch up with you later"Paul said "Hello hot stuff" Marko said taking my lollipop again "Marko give it back" i said grabbing it "Go get one yourself" i said holding Lucy's hand "But it won't taste the same" Marko said smirking "Boys go find someone else to party with till later" i said winking and walking away.

"Jasmine you know those boys?" Lucy said concerned "yea but they won't bother you for a while" i said "Now lets go get some pizza" i said smiling i took off my shades and my head no longer hurt. "I will go order you stay here" Lucy said smiling i looked out the window and saw the boys they got off of their bikes and walked inside "Didn't i just tell you to leave her alone" i said standing up and crossing my arms."We just wanted a bite to eat"Marko said "Fine but if you bother us i'm gonna punch you" i said sitting back down the boys went to order and Lucy came back with food.

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