Chapter 34

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"We are gonna save you" Alan said grabbing my hand i closed my eyes in pain.

"Someone please just end this" i said Gia snapped my neck.

I opened my eyes and was in my bed i looked around for anyone then the boys came in except David. They all sat on my bed including the girls i smiled and sat up.

"Where's David" i asked.

"He didn't want to come home he said he was staying till he found out who did it to you" Dwayne mentioned.

"He's so fucking stuborn" i said pinching the bridge on my nose.

"Well we have to go get him we can't leave him there" i said getting out of bed.

"He said if any of us go after him he'll kill us" Paul said speeding over to me helping me stand.

"He's family and we can't leave him behind and as grown men i expect you to come with me or David will be the least of your problem" i said putting on a top and jeans.

"Star and Gia stay here and watch the boys" i said putting on my boots.

"No i want to come" Gia said.

"You have to stay here with Star to watch the boys" i said fixing my leather jacket.

"I want to help...Dwayne" she said.

"I said no" i growled.

"Why do i have to stay here you keep treating me like a child" she said  i sped over to her pushing her against the cave walls.

"That's why because your still half human and you can't protect yourself without someone watching you and i need all of us to find him if i find you outside the cave you leave me no choice to kill you" i said grabbing my bike keys.

I kissed Laddies head along with the boys and walked out with the boys and Michael i started my bike i checked the tank and was nearly empty. I looked at my watch and it said three am. I hurried driving and filled my bike on dodging between cars back and forth I heard the boys shouting behind me.

"Just like old times" i shouted as the caught up.

"Just like old times" Marko said.

We dodged through cars to get to the Mansion i parked my bike and knocked on the door with the boys behind me. The door opened up with the man and some body gaurds.

"i see your better" the man said.

"Yeah do you know where David went" i asked crossing my arms.

"Yes he's upstairs come in" he said we all followed him as they led us upstairs i he opened the door to reveal a drinking David.

"Come on David we have to be home before sun rise" i said walking in.

"Didn't i tell you guys to keep her home" David said slurring.

"She wanted to come and you knew she would come either way" Dwayne said.

"I'm gonna rip your head off" David said stumbling over to the boys i pushed him down into a chair.

"Great your drunk to" i said crossing my arms he smirked in reply pulling me close.

"David let go of me" i said pushing away but he had a tight grip Dwayne came over and helped me.

"I'm not dragging you so get your ass up and lets go" i ordered David.

"Since when do you lead the group" he said standing up.

"Since your ass is to drunk to manage" i said

"Maybe i don't want to go home maybe i want to stay" he said.

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