Chapter 20

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There is some sad scenes in this so just warning you

I rode off to the Emerson house i got off of my bike and knocked "Just in time" Lucy said i smiled "Come in and Sam just needs to take his bath and everything should be fine" Lucy said i walked in and smiled "Alright goodbye kids love you behave" Lucy yelled as she walked out i heard Sam run down the stairs "Hey sammy" i said ruffling his hair "Hey watch it" he said fixing his hair i giggled. "So Where is Mike" i asked "I don't know he has been sleeping all day" he answered i made a o shape "Is grandpa still here" i ask. "Nice of you to join us Mike" i say turning around he smiled "How has your day been" i ask "bad until you came" he said smiling "Your charm is not gonna work" i say laughing  "anything in here that might pass for some after shave" Grandpa says sam grabs some Windex and hands him it i shake my head "Thanks" i look up "Big date grandpa" Michael says "Just dropping some handi work off at the widow johnsons" Grandpa says sly "Oh yeah what did you stuff for her mister Johnson" i shoot Michael a look and he frowns.

"See you later" grandpa says walking out "What the hell mike" i say hitting his arm "Yeah that wasn't funny" Sam said "I'm gonna make you guys a sandwich"Sam says "Don't bother" Michael replies "Lose the earring mike its just not happening" Sam said "Piss off" Mike says "Both of you stop acting like children" i say. i hear the boys bikes starting i moan and walk over to the doors as it gets louder "Don't open it" Sam says i shake me head and rip the door open "Mike stay inside with Sam" i say closing the door and flying up i see the boys flying away i go back down and walk back in the house "It's nothing guys" i say "Weird" Sam says "Sammy go take your bath" i say pushing him up the stairs i hear the door close and i stand there. "How have you really been mike" i ask "I told you i'm fine" he said grabbing a carton of milk he fell to the ground in pain "Calm down Michael everything will be alright" i said hugging him.

His breathing started to slow down "I swear if the boys did this i am going to kill them" i thought i let go of him and picked up the carton i saw Laddie on the box i missed him and his family probably miss him a lot more then me. i wiped up the milk Sam started singing and he finally came downstairs "I think that mtv would love to call you" i say to Sam "Shut up" he said he starts laughing but stops he points to the mirror i turn around and see my body faded "Your a vampire a god damn shit sucking vampire" Sam said running up the stairs "Sam wait i can explain" i yell running after him he shut the door on my face "Sam it isn't what it looks like" i say sitting by the door "Really because it looks like your a vampire" he said "Let me in Sam i won't hurt you" i said "How can i trust you" he said "If i wanted to hurt you i would have by now don't you think" i said i hear the locks open i get up and see Sam standing with a lamp in his hand "Don't try anything he says shutting his door behind me i sit down on his bed. 

"Do you really think i am going to hurt you Sam" i ask feeling hurt he nods slowly "I already called Edgar and Alan so if they don't hear from me they will come to get you" he said putting the lamp down. "I understand" i say he sits next to me "How did you become you know you?" Sam says "I prefer not to say Sam" i say looking down and the floor "Can i help you" Sam said grabbing my hand "I don't even know if i can help myself Sam. "Why do you say that" Sam says "Because everyone that helps i push away" i say looking up at him "You haven't pushed us away" he says "Because i am trying not to" i say "Well you aren't" Sam says kissing my cheek "But you hate people like me" i say "Well from what i hear all you guys do is just kill people" Sam says "it's kind of we have to feed somehow but it is more then that it's family all broken souls need a family" i say i feel a tear fall down my cheek 

"Your not broken" Sam says "how would you know Sam my own family hates me my own blood" i say getting up from his bed "don't say that" he said walking towards me "Sometimes i think i even hate my self" i say "Don't say that" he yells "Say what i am not gonna lie to myself Sam" i say "People care about you" Sam said "I have to go Sam your mom should be home soon" i said reaching for the door "No" Sam says getting in front of the door. "Sam let me go" i say "No" he said "Sam let me go" i said trying to move him he pushes me into his closet and locks it "Sam let me go please" i say banging on the door "No i won't lose you" he said "Just let me go" i say falling to the ground i cried in my knees "Please Sam don't do this to me" i said i felt someone sit by the door next to me "Sam please" i say starting to get tired "It's for your own good" he said.

 "Sam let me go" i say "No" he said "Sam let me go" i said trying to move him he pushes me into his closet and locks it "Sam let me go please" i say banging on the door "No i won't lose you" he said "Just let me go" i say falling to the ground i c...

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