Chapter 43

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Everything happened so quickly yet slowly it's like a scene straight out of a movie... I stood there as my father drove a gold dagger straight into my heart I fell as the children tried to run. Everyone else wasn't so luck they fought back as much as they could but they had no match there we impaired with the some dagger.

"Bring in the coffins I'll find the little bloodsuckers"

My eye went in and out hardly allowing me to see what was happening my father stepped past me walking towards Laddie. I reached my hand out stopped him.

"Let... him....go" I mumbled he kicked my hand off and continued to walk.

I looked over as Star and the boys went down I tried to climb my way over until my hand was stepped on causing me to hiss in pain.

"Don't think about it" I saw my uncle standing there as he wrapped a mouth guard around my mouth.

He lifted me off the ground throwing me over his shoulder as I saw the boys end up the same fate as us. I turned my head to the side noticing coffins. Being brought into the cave more men in suits joined into the cave picking up the boys. I noticed one with a dark outside with the letter J engraved into the front inside a symbol.

The casket opened up as they threw me onto the ground grabbing chains they wrapped a layer around my body.

"You won't be eating for a long time my darling" my dad said watching as the boys got wrapped.

"Now you are going to stay in the coffin till the rest of your days" he said grabbing my neck.

"" I managed to say he grabbed me throwing me inside the casket I looked over at Laddie who was being carried out.

"Put the boy in there and wrap him" he ordered.

"He's just a boy all of them are" a girl said "they can kill you just as easy" he argued back.

I closed my eyes as the coffin closed and darkness took over I heard more chains being added to the coffin to keep me from being open. The coffin began moving until it came to a halt nobody would be able to open this not in years at least. I felt burning in my chest and my body grow colder then it had been ever I closed my eyes as everything went limp.

The men in suits walked out of the cave after positioning the coffins to hide away from the outside world. They all got in their cars except one closing the gate to keep anyone from entering they poured holy water across the gate to keep any vampire from opening and unleashing them. The girl wrapped chains around the gate locking it away before throwing the key into the ocean. And for many years nobody would hear about the lost boys. Or was it?

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now