Chapter 40

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I got out of the car walking into the building fixing my mask i looked at the Darling and her boyfriend before raising my gun into the ceiling shooting. I shot down the Camera's while the two handled everyone.

"Video drive please" i said walking up to the girl behind the desk she shakily pointed to the case behind her i jumped over the desk shooting at case.

"So which one of you have the key?" i asked they all looked down to a girl at the end.

"Come with me sweetheart" i said grabbing her arm I dragged her to the entrance shoving her into the room "Unlock it" i ordered.

"Darling get the back door" i said she ran by looking at the door.

The girl opened the lock as i smiled grabbing her i set the bag down "put the money and the bag and we all go home safe and sound alright" i said she nodded as she started putting it in the bag i set the other down shoving money inside.

I heard someone moving and dialing i walked out with the gun raised. 

"Which one of you is on the phone" i asked as i aimed at a girl yet nobody answered.

"It would be ashame if more blood had to spill" i said noticing the dead guards.

I continued to walk as the noise got louder until i arrived at the office entrance i kicked the door down as the girl screamed i shot the phone and sped over to her grabbing her arm. I dragged her into the safe room and threw her on the ground.

"Simple job you two put the money in there and i won't use anymore bullets but the longer this takes you lose someone" i said shooting at a man.

"That's for thinking you weren't going to get caught" i said as my eyes turned red i winked before turning around.

"Just incase you think of trying something i'm always a step ahead" i warned as i watched as the other two came in putting money in their bags.

Then the others joined getting their share i continued to watch everyone i raised my gun to the right "Don't get up" i warned as i kept my eyes locked on the door.

"Time to go" i said turning around zipping up the bags.

"What do you mean we have time" Darling said causing me to laugh.

"Actually we don't cops are about down the street if we want to make it out of here without getting shot then let's go" i said putting the bags on my shoulders.

"We stay and get more" the argued.

"We leave and i won't shoot you" i said putting the gun to her head.

"Ay don't point your gun at my girl" he said pointing his gun at me i laughed taking out the other drawing it.

I heard police sirens going off as i tilted my head before leaving the room i ran through the back i swung the door open and set the bags in the passenger.

"Where is everyone don't they hear the sirens" the kid asked i put my foot in as he put his glasses down.

"Fine" i said running back in i hid against the wall listening to everyone.

"Put the gun down and walk this way" 

"I hope she does this"

"Where is Jasmine i'm gonna kill her if i make it out of this'

I smirked at darlings through i grabbed my gun shooting at each guard a bullet landed in my chest i walked it off as they ran past with the guns and bags. 

"We owe you one" they said running out i shot one last time as i was hit in the shoulder i ran back and got in the car sitting down.

"Hurry she was shot" Darling said i shook my head as i gritted my teeth.

"I'm fine" i said as he sped off Darling got closer looking.

"I said i'm fine" i said pushing her back in her seat "I guess she is" she responded i put my head back in my seat closing my eyes.

We got to a sudden stop i open my eyes as we arrived in the parking garage i grabbed my bags getting out of the car i sat down in the driver seat setting the bags down as the other kid drove off.

"I swear you got shot" Darling said i shook my head "no" as i made a sharp turn.

"I must me going insane" she said as she leaned back in her seat.

I continued to drive as i took off the mask and coat setting it on the floor i drove up into the parking garage and got out taking my bags i walked into the office and set my bags down.

"I'm going home now" i told my dad as i set the guns down.

"You think your done?" he said turning around i nodded he made his way over.

"You said i was done" i said grabbing my bags he grabbed my arm turning me.

"We are never truly done my daughter" he said i grabbed his arm taking it off.

"Well i am" i said walking out i ran out and got in the car driving to the airport.

I took out the money paying for the ticket and got on the flight once we took off and landed in Arizona i walked up to my moms house and knocked on the door.

"My love what are you doing here" she said hugging me.

"To give you a present" i said opening up the bag she covered her mouth once she saw the money i grabbed the stacks handing it to her.

"I owe you more then this for everything you have done but i hope this is enough for you to move to a better house" i said she smiled as tears dripped as she gave me one last hug.

"I have to go now i have to get back to California te amo" i said before walking into the forest i jumped off the ground flying my way to Santa Carla.

I put my feet at the entrance of the cave walking in as i set the bags down nobody was home i walked around looking for Laddie i walked into the room and saw a note on the bed i walked over and picked it up.

"Remember we aren't truly done until i say so" 

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