Chapter 32

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I walked out of the cave first and was greeted by vampires in old suits i grabbed Laddie and pushed him behind me along with the boys.

"The mister and Misses wish to inform you that you will be escorted in a limo to the mansion and to invite those who still carry blood bags in their system see you soon" they said before flying off.

"I swear if one more vampire comes out and jumps in front of me i'm killing them" i yelled i rolled my eyes and walked to my bike.

I helped Laddie on the back Dwayne had Gia on his Michael had Star and Sam rode with Paul Alan went with Marko and Edgar went with David. Once we found a shop we parked the bikes and walked in.

"Guys we don't have money" Gia said.

"Shut up and just follow our lead" i said. The girls followed me and the boys strayed off to get their suits.

I flipped through the dressed struggling to find one that was breath taking I skimmed my hand across a red dress and took it out smiling. I looked over at Gia and Star who had found their gowns. Star had a white gown with a black mask Gia had a dark blue dress with a white Mask. I grabbed a black one and the boys joined us the boys gave of a scary look.

"This will be all correct" the boy said shaking.

"Yes that's all love" I said.

The boys glared at the boy we walked out with everything and saw a Limo waiting out front.

"We can't just leave our bikes here" Paul said.

"Tell the driver to follow us put the clothes in there so we can get this over with I'm tired" I said.

David walked over to the front and talked to the man we all drove are bikes back being follows by the limo once we got in there were bottles of blood. Laddie and the other sat next to me while we rode. The boys kept messing around kicking and hitting all fun and games till they ended up punching me in the nose.

I felt a liquid come out of my nose I touched it and it spread to my fingers I looked at the two boys who looked scared.

"I'm going to kill you" I said I climbed over them and started punching and kicking.

"That's enough I'm trying to sleep" David said in his sleepy voice.

I grabbed Paul's hair and smashed his face into the seat along with Marko's. I pushed it in more.

"Okay okay okay" Marko repeated.

"Stop fucking around" David said.

I turned back and leaned down in between the boys faces.

"You just wait till we get there boys you just wait" I said before letting them go I sat back down.

I reached in my pocket and took out tissues to clean up the blood I felt an arm wrap around my waist pulling my closer to them. I turned and saw David who was asleep I laughed before scooting closer putting my head on his chest hearing his heart beating. The boys started making kissing noises. I made a fist and felt my eyes change the boys stopped and hid behind each other. I rolled my eyes pulling Laddie close to me as well.

I felt someone touch my face and poking it I groaned and turned my face and leaned into Laddies shoulder. The person kept poking me I was getting ready to break someone's hand. I opened my eyes and pushed the person to the ground smacking their hands into the floor.

"If you poke me one more god damn time I'll break your hand and feed it to the birds" I said I get my teeth and nails grow. I looked at who it was and it was Gia I got up and went back to napping.

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now