Chapter 19

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I woke up and looked around Mason was asleep next to Laddie and Laddie was still passed out I got out of bed and walked over to the main part of the cave I sat down on the couch and waited for everyone to wake up. I got up and played some music and listened to the song I walked around the cave and looked how messy it was "We really need a house" I said touching some blood that was on the wall. "Your awake" I said turning to Marko "Yeah what are you uh doing there" he said pointing the blood on my finger "I was just checking what it was" I said. "Hey um Marko can I ask you something" I said walking over to him "Yeah shoot away" he said sitting on a ledge "Are we gonna turn the Emerson's into one of us" I said sitting next to him "Uhh if I'm going to be full on honest with you it's yes we are" he said looking down at the floor. "Well at least you where honest" I said putting my head on his shoulder "Do you want me to bring them over tonight" I asked "We are gonna have to wait for David" he said "I looked at Marko who looked really upset "Are you okay" I asked. "I just I don't know about Mason I think it's gonna be harder to control the whole gang and with three more members joining I think it's gonna be to much" he replied.

"Yeah but we can't just leave him at least not right now we can teach him how to feed without getting caught then he can leave alright" I said grabbing his hand "Yeah,Yeah" he said smiling "Good now I have to babysit in about 2 hours so I'm gonna go wake Mason up so I can start teaching him to ride" I said getting up. "Oh and Marko" I said jumping down "Yes" he answered "Can I borrow your bike" I asked smiling "Fine but don't mess my baby up" he said pointing at me "I won't I promise I love you" I said walking into my room. I looked in my dresser for something to wear I looked over at the boys both sleeping I put the clothes on and walked over to Mason.

"Mason get your ass up I have to be somewhere in 2 hours" I said shaking him he just moved his hand "It's sun down get your ass up before I drag you out" I said he stayed quiet "Do you think I'm joking" I said grabbing him and picking him up I wal...

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"Mason get your ass up I have to be somewhere in 2 hours" I said shaking him he just moved his hand "It's sun down get your ass up before I drag you out" I said he stayed quiet "Do you think I'm joking" I said grabbing him and picking him up I walked out and threw him on the floor "What the hell" he said "I said wake up and you didn't listen now let's go" I said "Marko tell the boys we will be back in an hour and thirty minutes or so" I said "Where are we going" he asked catching up I jumped up all of the stairs "We are teaching you how to ride a bike. "Oh" he said we walked out and I looked at the boardwalk with all of the lights on it was beautiful I swung my leg over Marko's bike and started it "Which one am I supposed to ride" he asked "If you ride any of the boys they will rip your head off so just use mine" I said driving away "And keep up" I yelled I sped up I dodged threw cars "Yeah" I yelled I stopped when we got to a field I turned around and saw Mason far behind. "You have to be kidding me" I said face palming eventually he caught up "Listen if you want to stay in the group you can not ride slow we are not about that it's all fast,fast,fast from now on got it" I said. He nodded "Okay so you know the basics how to get on and start it and to drive so what's the hold up" I said leaning against the bike "I am scared alright" he said I busted out laughing "Your kidding me right a Vampire afraid to go fast on a bike" I said holding my stomach from laughing "Yeah laugh all you want" he said "Okay I'm done now I know what I'm teaching you today" I said "Okay get on your bike" I said jumping on Marko's I started the bike "So little vamp your objective is to go nothing but fast and you have to try to beat me" I said driving down a little hill I stopped when there was a dirt path.

"I don't know about this" he said stopping next to me "it's not like your going to die so ready" I said looking st him he nodded "Go!" I yelled started the bike I pushed the Handel back as far as it would go I stood up and took in all the air. I turned around and Saw Mason catching up "There you go" I yelled I stood up when we got to a hill I flew over it and sat back down I looked in the corner of my eye Mason I sped up more and put my foot down to turn I stopped at the finish line. "You did pretty good" I said panting "How did you learn to ride like that" Mason asked "See the key is not to be afraid and you can do anything you want" I said I looked at my watch and saw it was time to go "Come on we have to get back" I said starting the bike up again and riding off for the first time Mason was as my speed and not behind me. We arrived at the cave I stopped the bike and flew into the cave "Boys you guys are going shopping" I said "How did it go" Paul asked "he is doing a hell of a lot better" I said "So you guys can go change his look while I go off to do some business and be here in thirty minutes" I said I walked over to Laddie and kissed his cheek. "Good bye my little vamp" I said I sped out and got on my bike "I hope he doesn't start anything with the boys" I said to myself.

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