Chapter 26

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"Word is that there's a party going on how about we stop by so I can see a few friends show em my new perks" I said winking showing off my fangs. "Or we could have our own fun" Paul said putting his arms around me biting my shoulder i shivered at his breath. "Or we can go to the party before my mom starts checking up on us" I said walking to the bikes David grabbed my arm "What" I asked he looked behind him signaling me to ride with him. "Fine but I need I new outfit if I'm going to a party" I said wrapping my arms around his stomach "anything for you" Marko said starting his bike and riding off David started speeding off I put my head back letting the wind in my hair I shouted in joy and smiled "I've missed you guys" i whispered i could feel Marko's smile David came to a stop at the local shop "Go in with Dwayne and make it quick sun should be up in a bit and we are starving" David said grabbing his cigarette from behind his ear and lighting it. I got off an rolled my eyes I started walking in Dwayne close behind he opened the door as i walked in I flipped threw the outfits I grabbed an old Vans shirt and some shorts with fishnet leggings and Vans. "Do you need any help" a boy said be pushed by another boy "No i can handle myself" i said grabbing a few bracelets. "Are you sure" he asked Dwayne took off his jacket and put it on my shoulders "Yeah i'm sure of it" i said walking over to the check out.I hurried and paid walked outside i handed Dwayne his jacket and started undressing "What the hell do you think your doing" David asked looking me up and down.

"Getting dressed now if you don't mind holding these it would be great" i said handing him my clothes I tucked my shirt in and smiled "Now we can go" i said hopping on the bike my hair whipped around as the boys started racing threw the streets cars honking almost hitting each other but we didn't care as long as we had fun. Soon we arrived at the house i bit my lip in excitement I got off the bike starting to walk closer to the house "Keep your eyes on the prize boys we are only here to eat and party" i said knocking on the door a boy opened the door with a drink in his hand "Welcome to the party i'm Derek come in and party" he said i pushed him to the side and walked in "Don't stray far and don't kill everyone" David said "Since when have you cared about the pray" i said before sperating from everyone Paul followed "Lets take upstairs" i said looking around to make sure nobody was watching i grabbed Paul and sped upstairs i opened a bedroom door filled with boys and girls. "Take your picking Paul" i said "How nice of you" Paul said kissing my cheek i turned and broke the handle of the door off throwing it to the floor. "This won't hurt at all what am i kidding this is going to hurt like hell" i said my face turning my fangs fully out Paul and I grabbed the people nearest to us biting into there necks or any skin that was showing we started laughing speeding around the room killing everything in our sight blood splattered everywhere on the windows and on the bed sheets. I threw a body onto the floor breathing heavy "You look hot when you feed" Paul said putting his hand on my waist and biting into my neck i let out a groan "oh really" i said speeding around and biting into his neck and sucking lightly getting drops of blood.   

I unhooked my teeth and licked them "Your sweet" i said walking over to the door i kicked it making it fall down we walked out Paul grabbed the door and put it back in place hiding the bodies. we walked downstairs seeing Marko biting a girl in the corner Dwayne in the living room on the couch feeding on two girls but David nowhere I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer ripping the top off. "Jasmine is that you?" i heard someone say "I'm sorry you must have me mistaken for someone else" i said trying to walk away the girl grabbed my arm i flashed my head around. "No it is you Jasmine and your bleeding" she said grabbing some napkins "Look it would be better to just leave me alone" i said walking off into the crowd i sat down on the couch next to Dwayne he unhooked his teeth wiping his mouth "Are you alright?" Dwayne asked "Yeah just some girl that knew me started talking to me" i said taking a sip of beer before throwing it at the wall. "At least we are leaving tomorrow and we won't have to worry about people remembering you" Dwayne said "Yeah i will be back i need one more bite" i said getting up "Who are you gonna get" he asked "Nobody can know i'm back in town they will start worrying about me when we leave again" i said walking back into the kitchen the girl was still there "I just want you to know i am really sorry for this" I said "For what?" she asked i bit into her neck making her lose her breath i continued to drink her blood "If your going to say anything can it wait till i'm done" i said to David "Look i know i have been a complete dick head to you since you left Santa Carla but it's cause i couldn't bare to see you gone" he said leaning up against the counter I continued to bite her " I want you to be mine again" he asked i threw the girl to the floor turning around.

"Can i have time to think about that i need some time" i said he looked at the floor "Can we go now plus the sun will be up in an hour" i said he nodded i grabbed his hand and pushed threw the crowd i made it past the front door seeing the boys flirting with girls on their bikes. I walked over to Paul's bike and sat down. I put my arms around his stomach and put my head on his back "Come on boys" David shouted revving his bike and taking off we all rode off i wondered if my mom was still awake before i knew it i found out she was. "The lights on in the living room my mom must be awake go threw my bedroom window i will take care of the rest" i said the boys nodded running over to my window jumping up onto the high roof and opening the window i walked into the house seeing my mom in a chair. "Where have you been all night" my mom asked "Mom i am really tired please just can we talk about this later" i said "You have been out all night can you at least tell me where you have been" she said "mom please just let me sleep i will tell you about the rest later i looked out the window seeing the sun start to rise i patter down my jeans looking for my sunglasses and found them i hurried and put them on. "Please just talk to me" she said standing up and walking over to me "I am talking to you i will tell you the rest before i leave to Santa Carla" i said "No i want you to talk to me now" she said "Fine if you want to know so bad i went out to eat with my friends and went to a party and we didn't eat the normal food" i shouted before marching up the stairs i opened my bedroom door and shut it i ran over to my window and shut it i put my blinds down and covered it with my curtains.

"Everything alright?" Star asked "Yeah it's fine star how is laddie" i asked "He's fine he has gotten better since he has been here" she said "good" i said walking over to a sleeping Laddie i leaned down and kissed his cheek he smiled in his sleep "We should get to bed" i said yawning i walked over to my closer opening it "You guys can hang from this i will sleep over there" i said pointing to an area where the sun couldn't reach "Goodnight" Marko said kissing my cheek they all kissed my cheek except David he just hung from the bar i closed the door and walked over to the door and locked it i sat down and closed my eyes "Goodnight mom" Laddie said "Goodnight Laddie" i said drifting to sleep.

A/N: should she go back to being with David or go with one of the other boys i don't really know what i want

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