Chapter 31

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"Jasmine wait please" Dwayne said coming out of the woods.

"Please" he repeated.

I threw the stick I had in my hand to the ground and let him talk.

"I love her and that goes miles saying someone like us could love things but it's true" he said coming close.

He took another step I sped and grabbed her neck pulling her close me sinking my nails nearly in.

"Okay okay I'll stop but please don't hurt her I know deep down your still human and your holding onto that" he said stopping in his tracks.

"I lost my human side along time ago Dwayne far before I became a vampires" I said.

"If you don't care why do you care most about Laddie and the boys why do you care about us so much" he questioned.

"Because family doesn't give up on family even when you feel they aren't your family anymore your hold onto what you love" I said slowly.

"And I love Gia now please let her go" he said stepping closer a tear fell down my cheek.

"I'm sorry" I whispered I threw her body towards Dwayne and sped off I could bare seeing Dwayne.

I walked down the boardwalk and sat on the ledge trying to think. What have you become? You said you would never become anything like your father I thought to myself. My father not only was the most feared amongst my family but he was also a thug or gangster he ran with my uncles and like them they killed innocent people for no cause. And I am becoming my father. How did I become so cold hearted. I felt someone touch my arm and jumped I saw a Man with Glasses and a suit.

"Your father wants me to inform you that he has a job for you an assembly of he most feared thugs which you were apart" he said.

"I gave up that life along time ago" I said.

"It's big money 1m to be exact" he said.

"What's the deal?" I asked.

"You and a few others are going to take down a organization and rob a bank if that isn't to much" he said.

"I get 1m and I'm done alright" I said.

"Deal I'll see you soon" he said walking off.

When I was around fifteen the time when my father didn't hate me he trained me to be like him to be a criminal. In his words he said he did what he did to protect the family but he did it for himself. At a young age I trained and trained to be the best and I was. I jumped down from the ledge onto the sand I walked and walked to clear my head once I got to the cave I felt my heart sink. Maybe there was a way to turn off all emotions I felt all I had to do was find it. I closed my eyes and thought hard first I felt anger and sadness then nothing no emotions. I walked into the cave and sat on the couch the boys looked at me and went back to doing what they did Marko and Paul smiled and Dwayne was taking care of Gia the boys had a blast with Laddie and Michael was with Star.

"Can I talk to you outside" David said I nodded in response and walked out of the cave.

"You know your a lot alike you and I" David said.

"I guess" I scoffed.

"See you lost any human remains of your today and I lost mine a while back in a way we are just stone cold people" he said.

"Really I haven't noticed" I said.

"So why did you go after Gia" he asked coming behind me his cold breath sent chills down my spine.

"I don't really know it's like someone took over my body like i didn't have a  mind" i said cold.

"Well i thought i should tell you first we are all invited to a vampire ball" he said.

"A house filled with vampires sounds splendid" i laughed.

"these vampires are no joke they date back way farther then us and they made sure we are going if we decline their offer they say they are coming for the ones who are still human" he said.

"Then we should prepare find old dresses and suits after all we must impress these old people" i said jumping from the ledge.

"I don't think it will be safe enough to bring everyone it isn't smart vampire party means blood and blood drives us crazy let alone the four we have" i said.

"Well it's either we risk them turning forever or they die" he yelled.

"Look you may rule everyone around Santa Carla but get one thing straight i am not everyone and i am damn sure not one of your bitches you can yell at" i yelled back.

"I know i'm sorry i just won't risk loosing anyone the ball is tomorrow and it's in LA at 8" he said.

"we can stand here all night and argue or we can get ready but just know if any vampire touches Laddie or Star or any of the boys I'm ripping their hearts out and putting it on a platter" i warned.

"Then let's get everyone and get out of here something isn't right" he said.

I nodded and walked into the cave everyone stared and looked away i walked over to Gia and Dwayne.

"I'm sorry i hur- i mean tried to kill you don't take it personal i just don't trust new comers" i said before walking over to Laddie who was reading a comic.

"What are you reading" i asked sitting down.

"a book Sam gave me" he said.

"Oh really Sam let you read one of his comics" i said looking at Sam laughing.

"And yet you wouldn't let me" i joked.

David walked over to his wheelchair I looked at Laddie and grabbed his hand taking him to the couch we all took a seat the boys eventually figured out and joined.

"This is one thing i thought i would never say but tonight we can not party" he said everyone started booing.

"We have gotten an invitation for a Masquerade ball and if we don't attend they will slaughter the fledglings and as your leader i won't let that happen so tonight we find outfits and tomorrow we party" he said.

"What about us" Star said.

"Jasmine will protect you including Gia" David said.

"that's something to say your all full on vampires even the children" Gia said.

"No they aren't they are half they will grow until they feed but that isn't for a long time now unless you want to be eaten i suggest you stick close to us and don't go off wondering these vampires are far older then us" i said.

"So what your saying is your sending us to die" she said i felt my body boil Laddie turned around calming me.

"It's either we take you and the worse that happens is that you turn or die r you die here and if thats your choice then fine but remember it was yours not ours" i said.

"Fine when do we start" she said.

"We have to get our clothes and masks and try to get close to LA before the sun" i said.

"What happens when the sun rises" Gia asked.

"We burn into flames and die but Fledglings get tired and weak" David said.

"Then let's go" 

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now