Chapter 29

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"But I'm not the leader David" I said puffing out smoke. "Well your the one who brought her home so it's your choice" he said messing with the wheel chair. I looked to my side and grabbed a fork throwing it in his shoulder "your an ass" I said. "Why do you want to keep her so bad anyway?" I asked "I don't know there's something about her I like" he said "you are aware that she did insult me back there and if we changed everyone we liked we wouldn't have any food" I exclaimed. "I'll make a deal with you Dwayne not because out of good heart for the girl because I love you" I added jumping down from the second floor. "We will give her tomorrow if she doesn't end up pissing all over our party we can keep her but if not then she's Stars first kill alright" I said. "Deal" Dwayne said "I found the bag" Laddie said running in "alright Laddie" I said grabbing him and jumping to the second floor. "Deal is a deal wake her up" I said to Dwayne he shook the girl as she sat up she looked around as we went in doing what we usually do. "This one is my favorite" Laddie said reading "Paul" I whined he groaned in response laying down in the fountain "Let me braid your hair" I said "Your funny" he laughed "Come on" I said sitting on his lap "Fine only if I get to sleep with you in your bed tonight" he winked "Fine" I said.

I went behind Paul and started braiding his hair "I have a question who the fuck are you people?" The girl asked. "There are children in here do watch your mouth" I said "and basically we are the lost boys with an exception of two girls" I said. "Now that we got that covered who are you?" I asked "My name is Gia" she said "Well Gia if you ever try to pull a shit plan like you did at the beach I'll tear your arms right off" I said smiling. "Whatever" she said "That's Dwayne he will be watching you and taking care of you" I said "I don't need a babysitter" she said fixing her jacket "I didn't tell you he was a babysitter he's kind of like a hot guardian angel if you will" I said finishing his hair "Their you go babe" I laughed. "Jasmine" David snapped "Im just having fun David relax" I said "Whatever" David said putting his Cigarette out.  I put mine out as well and walked over to Stars room who was making out with Michael I walked out of there and sat on the couch picking at it. "Jasmine why don't you go get some wood so we its brighter" Paul suggested "I will tomorrow" I said my nails growing longer as I picked at the couch. "Feeding time come and get it" Marko said throwing the food at us he threw mine far forcing me to speed towards it to grab it I sat back down next to Gia I opened the box filled with Mexican food. "Good choice babe" I said "Am I tripping or did you just vanish over there" she asked "Just tripping" I said taking a mouthful of rice. Laddie came down and sat on my lap as we ate "Can you guys cut the act it's messing up our dinner" Paul said "I don't know what you mean Paul" I said "The whole internal fighting with you and David we all see it" Paul said. "We aren't fighting we are simply just having a problem right now" I said putting my food down on the table. "I'm going to bed" I said setting Laddie down on the couch I walked into my room taking off my clothes I walked out back into the living room "Can I borrow someone's shirt" I asked crossing my arms "Here" David said throwing me one of his black shirts.

"Thanks" I said putting it on I sat down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling "What's the matter" Paul said laying beside me "Nothing I just wish we could go outside you know in the sun feeling it on our skin again without it almost killing us" I said. "One day we will figure it out one day" he said I put my head on his chest he put his arm around my waist as we laid on the bed I looked up and saw Paul smiling "Why are you smiling for" I laughed "Because I can" he said "whatever nerd" I said sitting up Paul pulled me back kissing on my neck. "Paul if there are marks when your done I'm killing you" I said he began sucking holding my face closer to his "Paul" I laughed "yes" he mumbled moving to my collarbone "I'm going to kill you" I threatened " it was worth it" he said kissing my lips. I rolled on top of him and began making marks on his skin "Have fun trying to get girls at the boardwalk now" I said I looked at the marks I left all over him leading from his neck to his collar bone to his stomach. "Yours are way worse babe" he said I got up and looked in the mirror my reflection fading I looked closer and saw the dark marks all over my neck down to my collar bones all over. "Paul" I shouted running after him he sped up and sped into the living room I sped after him "I'm going to kill you" I said speeding towards him "Guys" Dwayne shouted pointing to the girl who was now frightened "What?" We asked "Your eyes" he said I walked over to the broken mirror and saw my eyes dark red and teeth out. "Wasn't my fault blame it on dickhead" I said shoving Paul I looked up and Laddie was passed out a comic on his chest. I jumped up and grabbed Laddie carrying him to bed I laid him down in his bed with his teddy bear I kissed his forehead and closed the curtains. I sped back out grabbing Paul's neck and throwing him into one of the hidden caves I ran after him jumping down landing on the sand. He smacked me into the wall forcing my arms down "I learned a new trick earlier wanna find out what it is" I said "Shoot it at me" he said I looked into his eyes and grabbed Paul's arm pulling it back pushing his face in the wall "that you always let me win" I laughed "Yeah I know" He said moving from my arms grabbing my arms pushing me into the ground and he laughed. "Come on we are going to have a lot of yelling at when we get back from David and Dwayne" I said lifting him up we walked out the two standing cross armed once we walked out. "What the hell did you guys think you were doing" David asked "Paul" I said looking at him "Having fun in our home" he said "You scared her nearly to death I had to put her in one of the cells" Dwayne said "and if she's going to be human and around us she is going to need to know eventually Dwayne" I said.

"You do understand Michael and the boys are taking up the cages you might wanna go get her before they chomp" I said He sped into the cell and grabbed her before Michael got her. "Your welcome" I said "Now if that's all I'm going to bed" I said David grabbed my arm and dragged me into the sleeping area "You sleep in here tonight" David said. "Why I have a bed that I've slept in for the past year" I said he tightened his grip "because I said so the girl sleeps in you bed now get up there and sleep" he said "or maybe you like her huh that's why you didn't like me speeding around and play fighting with Paul" I said. "Maybe if you didn't try sleeping around with Paul and Marko it would be different" he said. "Maybe it would be I'm sorry that I'm not your girlfriend anymore David but you don't really expect me to be single for the rest of eternity and if you do you must be as stupid as a rock" I said crossing my arms.

"I'm not going to argue with you David so she can have my bed I just won't be sleeping in the cave tonight don't come looking for me goodbye love" I said flying out of the cave.

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now