Chapter 38

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"Jasmine this is your group" I turned around to see three men and a girl.

"I could have better chance robbing a bank with a cat" I said as they walked over.

"Listen nobody talks to me like that" the girl said smacking her gum.

"I think i just did sweetheart" i said as a boy wrapped his around her taking her over to sit down.

My father began running down the process that would take place tomorrow morning and where everything and everyone would be.

"Now if anything is to mess up this plan well you all know what will happen" he said fixing his suit.

"Now all of you get rest we meet here by nine and Jasmine i have one more thing to discuss with you" My dad ordered i turned around as everyone left.

"Do you remember Lorenzo?" my dad asked looking down at the workers.

"You mean Lorenzo as in the dumb yet hot mafia son" i asked walking around the office.

"Yes that Lorenzo i had made a deal with his father as you know that is very powerful now i asked you here for another reason as well and that is for you to marry off to him" my dad said coughing.

"Did you hit your head or are you just stupid like hell I would drop my life I built to help you" I said ready to walk out he grabbed my arm pulling my body close to his.

"I didn't ask" he said cold I shook my head he laughed.

"It's cute how you think you have a choice really it is" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Now I want you to act like a good girl since you will be going home with him" he said forcing my face to look towards the window.

There stood a fairly groomed Lorenzo with a suit walking towards the office I looked back at my dad as he pushed my cheeks together.

"Remember good girls listen" he said letting go as the door opened.

"Well if it isn't my lovely Jasmine" Lorenzo said pulling me into a hug.

"I wouldn't say lovely since the last time I saw you I kicked your ass for trying to kiss me" I said pushing him off.

I turned around as my dad shot a glare I looked down at the floor avoiding his eyes.

"Come on the car is waiting" Lorenzo said grabbing my hand walking me out of the office.

He sat me in the limo as he sat beside me I looked out of the window as I felt his eyes piercing into my body.

"Could you stop staring it's rude" I blurted he laughed as he leaned back in his seat.

"I'm just looking at you last time I saw your face you were a child now your sexy and hot" he said putting his head back.

"Well I'm not staying for long I'm here for one thing and then I'm gone" I said crossing my arms.

"Come on you know we both dreamed of this when we were little" he mumbled under his breath.

"Nope just you" I replied rolling my eyes he smirked looking back down his eyes filled with lust.

"You always did have a sharp tongue" he said placing his hands on my thighs as he leaned forward.

"Touch me and I'll break your legs" I said moving his hand off.

"Come on" he said kissing my neck I pushed him off as the car stopped the door opened as I rushed out.

I walked into the house and ran upstairs into the bedroom sitting on the bed trying to gather my thoughts.

"I'm gonna admit I thought you would have wanted that" Lorenzo said walking in closing the door.

"What do you take me as one of your cheap whores" I said grabbing the phone.

"Of course I dont your to smart to be one of my whores" he joked I shook my head while dialing the numbers.

"Come downstairs when your done dinner should be done shortly" he said before exiting.

"What's up girl" Paul said I laughed at his tone.

"Let me guess your high again" I asked making sure the door was closed.

"Yep higher then a kite" he said laughing.

"I miss you guys" I said messing with the wires.

"You know you can come back any time so why bother staying there if you want to come home" Paul said I looked out the window frowning.

"It's more complicated then that or believe me I would be home how's everyone" I asked watching the buildings light up.

"Well David is him always in a bad mood when you aren't around Laddie is doing good with the boys everything is as normal as it could get for vampires" he joked.

"Alright I'll call you later okay tell everyone I said hello and that I miss them goodbye Paul love you" I said putting the phone back.

I looked in the mirror at my faded appearance before walking out of the room I walked down the stairs and into the dining room where Lorenzo sat.

"Clearly you two took a very different fashion route" a girl said walking out.

"Oh you don't say" I mocked sitting down beside Lorenzo.

"Jasmine meet Ariel my ex girlfriend" Lorenzo said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"So why is she here?" I asked as a plate was set in front of me.

"Oh you didn't tell her I guess I will" the girl said hitting Lorenzo behind his head.

"Looks like you still let girl run all over you as well" I said picking up the glass of wine putting it to my lips.

"Ariel now isn't the time I'm trying to discuss something" Lorenzo said.

"Well he dumped me for you" the girl said crossing her arms I choked on my wine laughing.

"Honey I'm not dating him never have never will so why don't you sit your ass down somewhere so I can eat" I said doing a fake smile.

The girl rolled her eyes before sitting down at the table across from me keeping eye contact. I laughed as I continued to eat the two of them continued to whisper back and forth arguing on and on.

"Both of you stop arguing your giving me a head ache your worse then cats and dogs" I complained putting my knife down.

"How do you even know what we are talking about" the girl asked.

"If I'm not mistaken your going on about my clothes and why he would dump you for me and why am I here? Oh and this one made me laugh really where did you pick her up from the street" I laughed the girl stood shocked.

"If I wanted to take Lorenzo from you I would because I can but since I don't have any feeling I won't. And I wasn't picked off the street from the corner of the club like you i came here for my father" I said getting out of my seat.

"Now I'm going out" i said walking out.

"When will you be back" Lorenzo asked.

"When I come back" I replied as my eyes turned red as I exited the room.

The girl on the boardwalk * Lost Boys fan fiction*Where stories live. Discover now