Chapter 33

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"First strength " the man called he started calling out names Paul and David got up.

"Jasmine" he said my heart sank.

I got up and walked over to where the boys stood I looked in the eyes of the other people. The man and lady walked over handing us all stakes.

"First person to stake the other team wins" the lady said stepping back.

I heard a bell go off. I ran towards a girl dodging the stake i grabbed her throwing her behind my body onto the floor. David and Paul fought the two boys. The girl kicked my leg causing me to hit the floor dropping my stake I quickly got up and sped over to it grabbing it I kicked the girls hand as the stake fell down. I kicked the stake up grabbing it I saw Paul getting a stake nearly through his jacket I sped over and kicked the boy off and kicked him in the face. I grabbed the stake and drove it through his heart the bell rung again we all stopped and stood straight.

"Winner is Jasmine and her boys leaving with not even a scratch" the man said.

I rolled my eyes and helped Paul up the man escorted us to a "safe" zone. I sat down and moved my hair out of my face.

"This dress is not easy to fight with" i said.

"Next up the fledglings" he said a group of people walked up.

"Your all going to fight against each other no stakes just hands but you can rip out each others heart" the lady said ringing the bell.

instantly the group banded together in a circle to defeat the group of vampires surrounding them i saw Laddie get thrown onto the floor along with Gia and Star. I stood up but David grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I'm not going to let them die" i said moving my arm.

I walked back into the ring vampires charged at me i threw them into walls and sped over to Laddie i grabbed the vampires neck and broke it helping Laddie up.

"Stay here and watch it" i said before speeding to Star who was being choked.

I went behind the girl and grabbed her neck pulling her head far back and choking her i sunk my nails into her neck until she let go of star i broke her back throwing her onto the floor. I smirked at Star before running to save Gia who was being attacked by a group I stood next to her.

"Remember when i nearly killed you in the woods" i said to Gia panting.

"Yeah i still don't forgive you" she said.

"I don't blame you but do exactly what we did" i said charging at a vampire who slammed me into the ground by the neck.

I wrapped my legs around his neck and pushed him back he grabbed my hair i grabbed put my hand around his neck replacing my legs and snapped his neck. i ran over to the boys who got surrounded i rolled my eyes and kicked there legs causing them to fall onto the floor. I grabbed a girl by her hair and dragged her into a wall smacking her face into it until she went unconcious. i heard the bell ring and looked back.

"once again Jasmine won" they both said clapping i put my loose hair into a ponytail and went back and sat down with everyone.

David tried touching my hand but i took it away i wiped my face and took a drink of the glass filled with blood i felt a pain in my chest and looked down i saw a piece of a stake in my chest. They must have staked me when i was battling but was to worried about others to feel it i dug my hand into my chest causing a scream i dug around for the little piece and grabbed it yanking it out i put it on the table.

"What the hell happened" Paul said coming back to the table.

"They staked me" i said putting my head back.

"welcome to the gang we have all been staked" he said hitting my arm i groaned in response.

"Sorry' he apologized.

"when we go home. Can we go to the beach" i said taking a breath in between words.

"Yes i promise even though it burns we can go" David said.

"I'm really tired" i said closing my eyes.

"No. No you can't go to sleep" Sam said shaking me.

"I just. I just need a nap" i said closing my eyes once more.

"No stay with us come on wake up" David said slapping my face.

I closed my eyes again i felt my heart slowly stop beating i felt someones hand go into my chest i opened my eyes and shouted i saw David and felt his hand moving i saw a tear go down his face.

"There isn't anything i can't find anything" he shouted.

he went deeper looking for the piece of wood i looked at a group of vampires staring.

"it's a trick. there giving me a trick" i said pointing to the group.

David swung his head back and took his hand out storming over with the boys i looked at Laddie who was crying.

"It's okay Laddie" i said grabbing his hand and holding it.

"I'll be okay just listen to Star" i said closing my eyes slowly.

"No. No i won't let you die on me not today" I heard Sam say.

"Help me carry her" he told Gia.

i felt arms pick me up i opened my eyes slowly and was going towards the boys who held everyone pushed against a wall with their face transformed.

"You better fix her or I swear I'll kill everyone you fucking love" David said Gia helped me stand up.

I felt my body go colder and weaker I started coughing I covered my mouth and felt something warm on my hand. I removed it and saw blood covering it.

"I said fix her now" David yelled.

"It isn't us man maybe check the blood she drank we only did the stake thing" the boy said.

David and the boys sped over to the blood and smelt it he looked up and walked over. Handing me the cup to sniff it I smelt the cup and smelled holy water and something else.

"Someone tricked you" David said looking around.

"Someone close"

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