chapter 1

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My name is Annelise Mabelle. I can read minds. I know it may sound crazy and maybe you think that I should be sent to a mental institute because of course mind readers aren't real. But you would be wrong right there. Mind reader are real. I am the only mind reader on planet Earth. I am also the first mind reader ever. There isn't anything too special about being a mind reader except maybe the fact that we can know your deepest secrets when nobody else does. Maybe that could sound a bit scary but to me it sounds pretty cool.

I bet its good for friends too because then there is no weight on their shoulders they cant keep any secrets from me so they should be relieved when I can help them. But it makes me feel weird to tell people so I don't.

My best friend Jezabelle doesn't even know. I don't want her to know either. Not yet. Maybe later if I feel like the time is right and I'm ready to tell her but right now I'm just not ready. My best friend may be my best friend but it doesn't mean I have to tell her that I'm some freak creature that knows her every secret. Maybe its hypocritical of me to know all her secrets but keep mine to myself but I do it to protect myself.

Do you trust me enough to continue reading my story? Probably not, I will continue to tell you things about me. Jezabelle is my only friend and she helps me through a lot of things. My parents died a few years back when I was 11 years old. I had a hard time without them but Jezabelle helped me through it. Yes, the girl with the silver hair and gray eyes helped me through it. She is practically my sister.

Now look I don't have that much of an interesting life. Or at least I didn't have that much of an interesting life until one day when my whole life changed. Suddenly I felt like I was living everything for the first time and savoring it all so I could put it in my memory and keep it there forever. 

Things were a lot different and I had to figure things out on my own. I'm here to tell you what happened and perhaps why it happened. Just give me some time and soon you will know my life story that started the year I turned 14. The year that my life  had officially started.

If you still don't trust me because I'm a freak then I don't know what to tell you. I promise you that everything in this story is true. No lies to it. Just pure honesty. 

Hi guys this is my first story on wattpad and I hope that you like it! The chapters after this are longer than this one trust me. They get longer the farther you read. Comment your thoughts and vote if you liked it.  Bye my loves! 


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