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This is the last chapter. There will be a sequel. Dont delete this from your library I will post on here when the sequel is out. It will be a long wait. You can read my other books while you wait.

Aaliyah had been put in jail for seven years. She was charged for attempt at murder and murder. Parker and I were at Lizzy's funeral at the moment. It was just us and her brothers. Her brothers weren't crying and I wasn't crying yet. I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that Lizzy wouldn't be with me anymore. I sometimes walked into her room expecting her to be there and she wasn't. Sometimes when the pain of it all got unbearable I just imagined she was visiting her brothers. 

I had spent the last few days crying myself dry. I wasn't ready for this. I don't know if I was ever going to be ready for this. I don't even know if I would've hurt this much if Jezabelle would've died while we were still friends.

The funeral ceremony started and I was called up to say a speech. I told of all our adventures together. Of how much fun we had. I told of how she was always up for shopping but I never took her shopping. I said that I should've taken her shopping. I should've done more of what she wanted. I started crying halfway through so some of my words were cut off a bit and hard to understand.

"She was my b-b-b best friend. I loved her," I finished. I stepped away from her tomb. The tears were dripping down my face like a waterfall. We all took turns putting dirt over her tomb after the pastor had placed it in the ground. Once she was completely buried I burst out in another fit of tears.

I leaned against Parker using him to support my weight. He wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed circles on my back and soothed my tears away. I pulled back a little bit to look into his eyes. I smiled a small smile and Parker pressed his lips to mine. 

I was frozen at first but then I gave in and kissed him back. This was the affection I had needed for a little while now.

Its over! :( I'm not ready for this... Just please wait for the sequel. I know this was short but it was still pretty emotional for me. I love you all and I have the sequel up as quick as possible. It will still take a while though.

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