Chapter 15

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So here is the second chapter as promised! I don't know if it happened to you guys too but it made me mad. Chapter 14 was updated in between chapter 11 and chapter 12! I had rewrote the chapter and re-posted it but it just did the same thing. Enough complaining tho here is your chapter!

Lizzy POV

I could tell that Annelise was having problems. She looked so stressed and she couldn't think of anyway to get Aaliyah to rethink killing her.

It pained me to know everything about this but not be able to help. I wanted to help but Azrah had rules and I knew better than to break them.

I grew up with her. She was basically my mother. I knew her punishments and they were horrid. I once got my tongue taken away so that I couldn't talk when I failed to deliver a message to another goddess. I wasn't ready for that to happen.

But I wanted to help so badly. I just couldn't help it. I loved helping people. I wasn't ready to lose Annelise but there was a chance that I wouldn't lose her if I didn't help her. I was willing to take that chance.

Or at least I was willing to take that chance. But then my mind changed.

"I just... I don't know how long Im going to survive," Annelise cried. "I have absolutely no idea how to change her mind or whatever and its driving me insane!" 

After that my mind just wouldn't let me stay silent. I had to help. "You could try becoming her friend, you know?" I said.

Annelise let out a gasp. "Lizzy! Why did you say that?! Now Azrah is going to take you back!" she screamed. 

I shook my head and replied, " She will wait until the point in time when you are supposed to die. Don't worry so much Annelise we still have plenty of time to spend together." I needed to reassure her that I would be okay. I would help her as much as I could and when the time came, Azrah would take me back and punish me. 

"Okay. I will take your suggestion though and see where it takes me. Its better than any of the ideas that I had," Annelise admits.

I laughed a little bit. "Well good, I hope that it works!" I said trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"Me too," she said as she got up from the chair in her room. 

She walked out and I followed her into the hallway. "Parker is coming over later so I'll tell him about it then."

"You have been spending a lot of time with him lately," I said with a knowing smile on my face.

"Were just friends, Lizzy! Goodness gracious! We are never going to be in a relationship, okay?" she asked.

"Okay," I said, stretching out the word. So what if she didnt like him. I knew that he liked her so I shall tease her about it anyways.

She rolled her eyes and walked through the kitchen and into the living room.


Annelise POV

Parker and I were currently sitting on the deck of my house. We had been talking about random things for the past hour and I was now ready to tell him the plan.

"So. Parker," I said slowly and he turned his head to look at me. "My genius best friend has developed a plan for us."

"What might that plan be," he said with sudden interest in his voice.

"She said that we should try to befriend her," I explain.

"How is becoming her friend going to keep her from killing you. In fact wouldn't that just make it easier because you would be closer to her?" he asked and I actually started wondering about it.

He did have a point. I mean how would that help? I took his question into deep consideration until I found a satisfying answer on how it could be helpful. "Well maybe if I'm really friendly and everything then she might feel guilty and rethink killing me because she likes me," I replied.

He was silent for a moment but then nodded his head as to say, "Sounds good to me."

I smiled and told him that we would carry out our plan at school tomorrow.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping loudly. I quickly turned it off and stretched my muscles. I sat in the dark for a minute and then turned on my lamp. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a Falling In Reverse shirt with a pirate on it and black yoga shorts that came down to mid-thigh and then walked into the bathroom. 

I stripped off the clothes that I was wearing yesterday and had fallen asleep in and got in the shower. The hot water started dripping on my head and I let it soak away all of my stress.

Once I had changed into my clothes I finished off my daily routine and slipped on my high-tops and backpack. "Lizzy lets go!" I yelled.

Lizzy walked into the living room wearing a black Tee that said boss in big letters and jean shorts. I grabbed my keys and got in the car. Once I put the car in reverse I backed out of my driveway and continued the drive to school.


I greeted Parker at lunch with a smile and he smiled back. "Are you ready?" I asked him nervously. I had been telling myself that it would be all right all day but I still hadn't been able to convince myself.

He nodded and I said a quick bye to Lizzy. We walked over to the table that Aaliyah was sitting at in silence. It wasn't the awkward kind of silence though it was more of the comforting I'm-there-for-you silence.

Once we reached the table I sat down in an empty seat by one of her friends and Parker sat next to me. "Hi, Aaliyah," I said with a fake smile plastered on my face. I couldn't give away the fact that I would rather not be talking to her.

She looked at me with disgust but then immediately faked a smile. Obviously she didn't like me very much either. That would probably make this all a lot harder. If she didn't really like me how are we supposed to make her feel bad?

"Hi, Annelise! Parker..." she trailed off. Hmm I guess she doesn't really like Parker either. I guess we'll have to make progress together. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We wanted to know if you wanted to be our friend!" I said like a little kid. I mentally slapped myself for that. I sounded like a little kid. You know those kids who are so oblivious to the fact that you should know them before you befriend them and they just ask if you want to be their friend. But the fact that they look so innocent makes you say yes to them even though you don't really want to.

She didn't look stunned or weirded out by my sudden kiddishness she just smiled at me and said, "Sure." I guess I looked like a cute, innocent little kid because if I was her I would've looked at me like what the heck and said no.

"Cool!" Parker said in a super fake excited voice, so fake I would be surprised if she didn't realize how fake that was. 

Parker stood up quickly and grabbed my wrist pulling me up and away from the table.

We have now become friend with Aaliyah, the girl who was waiting for the signal from her overly sexy boss that will tell her its time to kill me.

So... did you like? I liked! Lol. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter and I will update the next one soon. Goodbye my beautiful ones! ;)

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