Chapter 14

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Hi guys! I know I took like a million years to update but I was away on a long vacation in Kentucky and Tennessee. Here is a chapter for you to make up for my absence.

I revealed my whole life story to Parker. From the part where I was a mind reader all the way to the part where I had powers and that Aaliyah was out to kill me. I told him that Lizzy was a mind reader too.

The look of surprise and disbelief crossed his face the second that I was finished telling my story.

"That is so cool!" He exclaimed. Even though he still looked a bit doubtful I assumed he believed me most of the way.

Wait... He believed me? OMG he believed me! I did a mini happy dance in my head and nearly screamed in excitement. Now I knew who I could trust and it definitely wasn't the "best friend" I used to have. It was a guy I barely knew.

There's the moral of the story kids, always trust strangers more than those closest to you. That doesn't sound right... Oh well, you might as well ignore me because I'm a bit insane.

I threw my arms around Parker's skinny frame and squeezed with as much force as I possibly could. "Thank you for believing me!" I shouted.

"Why wouldn't I believe you?" He asked, a look I confusion crossing his face.

"Well A) it's a bit crazy," I said. "And B) Jezabelle didn't seem too quick to believe me," I spat bitterly.

He rolled his eyes and said, "What do you need her for? She's just a bratty little girl who doesn't believe anything."

I couldn't help the small smile that escaped my lips at his words of truthfulness.

"Can you show me that you can turn invisible because that sounds amazing?" Parker asked.

I nodded my head and quickly turned invisible. I know it sounds weird but I always feel weightless when I'm invisible.

I got up from the couch and grabbed Parker's wrist. His facial expression changed to a freaked out expression when my fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling him up from the couch.

I focused on teleporting to the roof of my house and seconds later we were there.

I looked over at Parker and saw that he looked like he was about to puke his intestines onto the top of my house. I forgot that regular people couldn't teleport without getting sick if they weren't used to it.

"Just take deep breaths and you will feel better," I told him.

He obeyed my orders and looked less like he was going to spew guts everywhere. I stepped towards him slowly, like I was stalking my prey.

"Do you want to see the fire?" I asked him.

"Yes!" He shouted excitedly while nodding his head like his life depended on it.

I made myself visible again and created a small ball of fire in my hands. The fire felt like it was going to burn my hands off from the heat intensity.

Parker's eyes immediately widened in excitement. "This is amazing!" he shouted.

I smiled at him and nodded, replying, "It really is."

I flicked a small spark at him and it landed on the bare skin on his face.

His eyes widened in shock and he raised his hand to his face. "Ouch. Annelise you hurt me!" Parker whined.

"Oh, boo-hoo. You're such a baby, Parker!" I joked.

"I'm the baby?" he asked. "You really think that I'm the baby?"

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