Chapter 10

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Hey guys its been a while but I hope your still up for chapter 10. I recently wrote a new story called The Run From Evil. You should check it out! I will post the description to the story at the authors note at the end of the chapter. Vote and comment! :)

Recap: Lizzy and Annelise got  revenge on Jezabelle by having Belle's ex come and kiss her. Jared found out and they broke up.


That week Michael and Jezabelle got back together. Honestly after a while of fighting with Jezabelle and being separated I realized that I don't really want to be friends with her anymore. She is such a brat. I realized that Lizzy is my real best friend and she is all that I need in this world. I don't need any attention from anyone else.

Jezabelle and Michael were standing by Michael's locker and making out. They had been having a lot of affection towards each other lately and it was kind of disgusting. They would constantly be making out in the hallway, the cafeteria, the classroom, and worst of all they would sneak into random janitors closets or empty computer labs to do things that I don't even want to know about. Teachers were constantly scolding them about it because out school had a no PDA rule. Nobody really cares about the rule and the students never get anything worse than a scolding.

Some guy came up to me in the hallway and started talking to me about walking to class with him. I didn't know who he was at first I just knew it was a familiar face. Then I realized that it was the guy from the mall. Parker. The one who wanted me to come over to his house when I didnt even know him. "Hi Parker, what's up," I asked him.

"Were you listening to what I just said? Whatever. I was wondering if you wanted to walk to Biology with me?" 

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked in a fake confused voice.

"Well um... I don't know I just-"

"Save it for someone else," I interrupted. I walked away and started silently laughing. I hope that didn't hurt him. I'm only joking around. Maybe its not too bad if his ego is bruised a bit though.

I reached my Biology classroom with a smile still lingering on my face. Lizzy saw that I was smiling and got this really confused look on her face. I got confused too.

"What are you smiling for?" she asked when I walked over to my seat. 

I smiled once again and told her, "Okay, so Parker, you know him right."

"I know him."

"Kay, well he has this thing for me and in the hallway he asked if he could walk to Bio with me, right?" I ask her.

"Right?" she says questioning me.

"Yes, right. So I was like 'why would I want to do that' and he just looked really confused and hurt, and then he was like 'well I don't know I just' and then I cut him off and said 'save it for someone else' and he was just totally confused. It was actually quite amusing." I tell her.

"Aww why would you do that he's such a nice guy. I think its cute that he likes you, you should go out with him," she wiggled her eyebrows and nudged my shoulder with hers.

"Um, no thanks. You should've heard him at the mall while you went shopping for books he is like... a total playboy. If you want to though, by all means go right ahead," I mocked her.

"Now I see why you don't want to go out with him. I totally don't either!"

My Biology teacher cleared his throat but the class didn't seem to calm down. "Alright kids, head back to your seats," he demanded. I sat down in my chair and got out my Bio stuff. This is going to be a boring class.

While my Biology teacher was explaining what our new unit in class was going to be, I heard a phone begin to ring. 

"Can I answer this?" I heard from across the room. I saw where the voice had came from and learned that it came from Aaliyah Carpenter.

"Is it important?" asked Mr. Welch.

"Very important, actually," she replied.

"Then of course," he answered.


Sorry that was short and the ending sucks I couldn't think of anything to write that would lead up to the next chapter the right way. This chapter isn't very inviting but I can promise you that the next chapter will be better and longer. 

Anyways I promised to give you the description for my new book. By the way so far I only have one chapter but it is really good sooo...

Karalynn Mathers is lost in the wilderness when suddenly her world changes. Someone follows her through the woods and she has the leading suspicion that he is out to kill her. But when she finds out that the stalker is actually her savior, she is thrown into a world where a horrible serial killer is out to get her. She must run and hide before he has the chance to end her life eternally. Will she escape alive or will she be just another girl in the killers collection?

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