chapter 2

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HI! So I decided to update twice in one day cause im bored and I cant update tommorow cause im bust with stuff. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

The darkness was closing in on me. I tried to scream but no sound came out of my mouth. I tried to run but I was glued to the spot. What was going on? Suddenly light started to come into the area I was in and I realized I was in a meadow. Why am I in a meadow? I suddenly had the urge to run around and laugh and pick the flowers but I still couldnt move. I was stuck. Great, just great, Im never going to leave this spot am I? A flash of light erupted in front of me and I closed my eyes which hurt from the brightness. I rubbed my eyes and cautiously opened them. In front of me was a girl my age looking at me with curiosity. I hacked into her mind quickly and saw images of her and her parents. There was things there that I didnt recognize and had never seen before. I realized that I must be seeing the future because that technology was not invented yet. Another image came. She was putting her fingers to her temples lightly, this was the reading stance. One question flooded my mind, was she a reader too? Suddenly I was thrown out of her mind. What just happened? That has never happened to me before. Ok this is just weird.

"Hello my name is Lizbeth but you can call me Lizzy. To answer your questions yes I am a reader too, obviously since I know what your questions are. You were thrown out of my mind by none other than me. I am a mind reader and have power over my mind. I can sense when someone is in it and can throw people out of it. I have a couple things to tell you which is why I am visiting you in your dreams. One I am aging very fast right now but I will slow down at a normal rate when I get to your age and your grade. I will be going to your school to be your friend and so that there is two readers there instead of one.There is danger coming into your life that I cannot speak of to you. You will find out soon who is causing you trouble and what trouble is coming your way. Also you might need to know that I will not be able to help you with this problem. I will tell you that you can get help from others but that would mean exposing your secret. They might not believe or they will think you are a monster and choose not to help you. That is all. I will see you soon and best wishes to you."

I woke up gasping. OMG i just got vistited by another reader. A newborn. Im not alone anymore. I really wonder why the mind goddess Azrah decided to birth a new reader and to make her grow quickly to be my age and grade. Whatever. I looked at my alarm clock and it read 4:13. WHAT! Ugh there is no way im going to be able to fall back asleep now. I decided to just get ready for school and since i will be done early I can just watch tv. I went to my dresser and picked out a black Falling In Reverse Tee and a black zip up hoodie. I grabbed my favorite skinny jeans some undergarments (A/N I giggled when I wrote that) and headed into my bathroom to take a shower. I plugged in my ipod to my radio and set it to AUX and got in the shower as Christina Perri's Jar of hearts came on.

When I was ready I got into my car and started to drive to school. It was a 20 minute drive so I should be there on time. I turned on the radio only to be greeted by commercials. Ugh. I hate commercials they are so stupid. I turned off the radio and just stared at the road ahead of me. When the school came into view I turned my blinker on and turned into the school parking lot. I found a spot easily, parked the car and turned off the engine. When I walked into the school I saw that mostly everyone was already here. I took my usual spot at a lunch table and waited for the teachers to tell us we could head to our lockers. I pulled out my phone and started playing dumb ways to die.

A good ten minutes later people started filing out of the cafeteria. I followed them and went straight to my locker. I grabbed everything I needed and closed the locker with a loud BAM and locked it. I walked to my first period; Math. I hate math so I took my time. I reached the class seconds before the late bell rung and took my seat. The teacher started taking attendance and I kinda zoned out until she called my name. When she finished the attendance she cleared her throat meaning she had something important to say,"We have a new student today her name is Lizbeth Realton. She is obviously running late but she will be here," Mrs.Greenston stated. Not more than five seconds after that none other than Lizzy the mind reader barged into the classroom like she owned the place.


Ok so hi! Like I said i will not be updating tommorow but I might update the next day possibly for a christmas present for you guys. I am going to make it a goal to update everyday but if not that then at least once a week because I dont want you guys to go cray-cray like I do when the books I read dont get updated for like 5000 years. Anyways this is a really long authors note and stuff sooo I gotta wrap it up. I hope you like this chapter as much as I do and stuff. Bye Lovlies

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