Chapter 5

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Hey sorry i havent updated in like forever. I noticed that I lost some readers while I took forever to update. But yea sorry I was busy with school and other important stuff that took up my time to write this story. Hopefully I will be updating more often now but I make no promises. Anyways there was a comment on the last chapter in regards to how I tend to have run-ons. Yes, I know, and maybe its really annoying to some of you but im not the greatest with sentences and commas and stuff so yeah. Also this story is not edited and will either be edited when I have finished with all the chapters or never cuz i'd be too lazy... but this authors note is taking forever to be done. PLEASE READ THE AUTHORS NOTE AT THE END. K heres ur chapter.

So I figured out that my element power is fire. I know awesome right? Anyways, my last power is the ability to be invsible. Lizzy and I have trained on all of my powers and im like a pro. Well pro in training I guess you could say. Sometimes my powers glitch, but Lizzy said thats normal when you havent been training for long enough. Right now im going to tell Belle about my powers, since I still kinda havent told her yet. Hey ive been busy. Well, ive been busy stalling. That counts as being busy though, doesnt it? Think what you think, but I think it does.

I walked up to Belle's front door and knocked three times followed with a line of doorbell rings. It might be annoying but it lets her know its me. She opened the door in what seemed like five seconds after I knocked. I guess she was waiting for me. I walked in and took in the scent of flowers. We were silent for a while without a single "hey" or, "so, whats up?" until I finally decided to break the silence. I took in a deep breath and said, "hey umm, I have some important things you need to hear about." She started playing with her fingers and then said, "what is it?"

We walked to the couch together and sat down next to each other. "Well there are some things that Ive been keeping from you for a little while now. One has been kept longer than the other," I replied honestly. I heard a sharp intake of breath come from Jezabelle and I knew she was shocked, I was never one to keep secrets, especially from her. " Im sorry I never told you about these things," I replied carefully, "but I didnt think you would believe me. But im telling you now so hopefully you will understand why I kept them from you, well, if you believe me." She nodded her head for me to keep going but I stayed silent, unable to say a single word. "Well?" she asked with impatience. That snapped me out of my daze, because after that it all came spilling out, "Well im a mindreader, I read thoughts, Lizzy is a mindreader too. Every mind reader gets a power but since im the first born I get three. I can teleport to wherever I want to go just by thinking about that place. I can control fire, I can move it, make it bigger, smaller, wider, and I can also make it appear out of no where. And lastly I can turn invisible to hide from anyone so I can stay safe." 

Belle just sat there, taking in all the information I just gave her at one time. She started to shake her head in disappointment. I wasnt sure if it was disappointment that I never told her about this for all this time or if it was disappointment because she thought I just lied to her. "Get out," she said harshly. "What?" I gasped. It couldnt be. She wouldnt. She couldnt. "I said GET OUT! You were my best friend and you have the nerve to just lie to me. And about what, random things, random things that would get you attention! You dont need attention from me anymore, Im done. Were done. This friendship its over. You have no right to lie to me, just because you want me to fulfill your needs of attention, you selfish, attention seeking, lying, little brat. GET OUT!" She screamed at me. The tears fell from my eyes like waterfalls. Where did that come from? How could she accuse me of such things? How could she be so not understanding? I... she... but... I just dont understand. How was Jezabelle mean? She's never mean to me, ever. I had to prove to her that I wasnt lying. I couldnt just lose her like that. If I lost her I wouldnt be able to carry on, I would be so lost in my depression and guilt. I would blame myself for everything and I wouldnt even try to make another friend. I wouldnt try to socialize, I wouldnt do anything, I would mope around because I wouldnt have the energy to solve my own problems. 

I then realized that the only way she would believe me is if I showed her my powers. I put my hands close and started a fire in my hands. She looked at me with disbelief. Did she still not believe me? I moved the fire towards her and expanded it. It spread like wild fire out towards the walls. The fire was consuming the house in warmth. I made the fire a straight line again and moved it towards me. I then made the fire consume the whole entire room exept in small circles where me and Belle were standing. I started to read her thoughts to see if she believed me now. "Is this even possible. I didnt believe her before and Im not sure if I believe her now. I mean special effects people. I guess maybe having people lie to me so many times made me not believe people so easy. But I need proof that there are no special effects invovled of any kind. I will believe it when I know it." Ok so I need to show her there are no special effects involved, no problem. The fire started to make the heat in the room almost unbearable. I was just about to get rid of the fire when a new voice entered the room, "How?" The voice asked.

Ok so did u guys like it? I hope so. I enjoyed writing it!!!! Ok so Im putting up a new story called the murder notebook. Its like a series of different stories about people killing each other pretty much. I dont know how many of you like stories about murder but if you do I want you to read it. Oh and I need comments!!!!!!! Pwease?????? K hope u liked the chapter!!!!! Cya soon (maybe)

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