Chapter 6

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Ok so hi I'm back. I'm using the app instead of the computer so sorry if there are mistakes and Idk how to bold or slant my words. Today you will meet a new person and find out some new things. Oh and I still need comments and possibly reads so if you like this book could you recommend it to your friends if you'd like. Anyways here's your story.

After hearing the new voice in the room I immediately put out my fire. I turned to the door slowly to see Jezabelle's mom at the door. "Hi! What's up mom? Umm, I just came over to... umm... just you know hang out with Belle," I said as non-awkwardly as I could. I failed. Actually I did more than fail, I totally messed up beyond repair.

"Why was the living room just in a blaze of fire?" Jezabelle's mom asked without hesitation. I made a face that said "are you crazy" and walked towards her.

"I think you're hallucinating. Did you sleep very well last night? I don't think so. You should go get some rest," I replied while putting my hand on her back and guiding her to her room. Jezabelle played along even though she still thought I was lying to her. She followed me to her mom's room and put the blankets over her. Belle nodded towards the door and walked out with me following.

When we got in the living room she grabbed my arm. She made me look her straight in the eye then whisper yelled, "What is wrong with you! Im telling you that you need to leave. Like now. I'm sick of you lying to me. I don't even care that you're my best friend anymore. Actually no you aren't my best friend anymore. You screwed up. You were a little lonely so you get some special effects people to help you get attention. That is so sad. Sad and cruel. Why don't you get you're new friend Lizzy to give you some attention? Do whatever you want as long as its outside of my house."

Belle was triggering my anger and I wanted to scream. "I'm not using special effects. I don't know how to show you that I'm not but you're going to have to believe me. What I showed you is true. Ok, I get it that your ex boyfriend cheated on you and lied to you about everything, but that doesn't mean you have to have trust issues with me too. Oh and by the way Lizzy is a mind reader too. She controls water," I whisper yelled back. "I'm sick of you not trusting me. Call me when you've decided to trust me. Till then see ya latah suckah!" I yelled then teleported back to my house.


I continued my week as well as I could without having a stress attack. Jezabelle never called and never tried to talk to me at school. I was getting so frustrated and sad I couldn't handle it anymore. I had to talk to her.

Hope you liked the chapter. Byeeee!!!

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