Chapter 8

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Hey! Sooooooo what do you guys think Lizzy is gonna do to Jezabelle? Its not gonna be in this chappie because even I don't know. :) I'm hoping to get ideas from my fellow readers but I'm not expecting to get comments because I usually don't. Whatever... Maybe I can use my awesome mind reading skills to figure out what all you people are thinking! We can all be mind readers TOGETHER!!!! :p sorry weird person moment. Anyways thanks for reading my book. I'm slowly losing writers block and getting more ideas! yay me! so hopefully the story will be better soon. Sorry for the mistakes. There will be a book suggestion at the end of the chapter. Here you go!!!!!!! :)

Jezabelle POV

I was kissing my new boyfriend Jared Stephens when my phone rang. It was on the table so I had to get up to answer it.

I giggled against Jared's lips and said, "One second. I just have to see who it is." I got off of his lap and walked over to the table. I picked up my IPhone and saw Annelise's name on the screen. "What does she want!" I snarled.

"Who, baby?" Jared asked.

"Some freak I used to be friends with," I replied. I set my phone back on the table, my face contorted in anger. I walked over to the couch and sat down with force.

"Sweetheart? It's gonna be-"

"You know what! Shut up! I'm not in the mood for sweet talk right now!" I yelled turning away from him.

"Hey, baby, look at me. Please just look at me," Jared said in a guilty voice. I reluctantly looked at him, but when I did, he slammed his lips to mine.

Not long afterwards the door was thrown open and someone said, "Woah! The eyes! The eyes!" I looked over and saw Annelise standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing in my house, you freak!" I shouted in anger. I didn't invite her over and I definitely didn't say she could come in without knocking.

"I came to talk to you about your trust issues but apparently your busy with other things," she said, snobbishly nodding her head at Jared. Afterwards she stomped out of my house like some 5 year old in a temper tantrum.

"I hate her!" I screamed in frustration. I slid my back down the couch until I was sitting on the floor and started crying silently. Jared sat down next to me and put his arms around me. We sat in silence like that for a long time, just enjoying each others company.

Annelise POV

What the heck is Lizzy talking about? I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. I ignored her last words and told her that I was heading to bed. I stopped in the kitchen first and grabbed a tub of ice cream and a spoon and headed to my room. What can I say, I like ice cream!

I ate half of the tub and then felt like I was gonna puke. I teleported onto my roof to look at the night sky. I lay down on the side of the roof and look for the Big Dipper. It takes me a while but eventually I find it. I relax a lot while laying with the breeze against me and then decide to go to sleep.

I teleport back into my room and snuggle into my blankets. The light was already off so I didn't have to worry about getting back up. I fell asleep an hour later.


I woke up with a start when I heard screams coming from outside. I teleported to my roof to see the scene outside.

Lizzy was fighting against three guys in the driveway. The boys all had black hair paired with black makeup. The middle guy was wearing a Pierce The Veil shirt and the other two were wearing Sleeping With Sirens shirts. They were wearing ripped black jeans and tennis shoes.

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