Chapter 4

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Hey im back!!! And with a new chapter! YAY! I couldnt take it anymore not knowing what to write and just being like well if I dont what to write I wont write... sorry if this is a crappy chapter I needed to update and I didnt know what to do. Whatever. Heres the chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Powers? I have powers? What? I was having trouble processing the thought when Lizzy cut in. 'Every mindreader has powers. Well one power but since you were first born you get three. I do not know what they will be only the Mind Goddess knows because she chooses the powers. Dont freak out if you end up levitating when you wake up in the morning one day. My power is the ability to control water. Watch.' She walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet. She then walked out of the bathroom and out of the guest room. She thrust her hand forward and bent her fingers slightly. She closed her eyes and started taking in deep breaths. Suddenly her hand began to shake slightly and I turned to the faucet and saw that it was coming towards us. I moved to the left and it followed me. Then to the right and it followed me. I did a bunch of moves and the water moved with me. I looked over at Lizzy and said, "This is so cool. I wish I could do this," and right after I said that I felt something cold dribbling on my head and before I could look up my hair and clothes were soaked. Lizzy started laughing obnoxiously and I got the sudden urge to punch her in the face for dropping the water on me and having the nerve to laugh at me too. I suppressed the urge to punch her and walked over to her. "When I get my powers and become stronger than you I will get you back, but for now were good." Then I walked away.

                                             "Im home!" I heard a familiar voice yell from my living room. Jezabelle? I walked into the living room and my best friend was standing there in knee high black wedge boots, a cute blue top, and jean shorts. She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I immediately  hugged her back. "How is life?" she asked like she hasnt seen me in forever.

                                             "Its good. Hey have you met Lizzy yet?" I asked she shook her head. " LIZZY COME HERE! I HAVE A FRIEND I WANT YOU TO MEET!" I screamed. I heard a faint "k" coming from her room and a minute later she came out. She waved at Belle (Jezabelle's nickname). "Ok Lizzy this is Belle. Belle meet Lizzy. There now you guys are friends," I said.

                                                   "Nice to meet you," Lizzy said, " can I go back in my room now?" she asked. I nodded. The second Lizzy left Jezabelle and I immediately launched into a conversation about what went on for the last week of our lives that we hadnt already talked about. 

                                             It got dark quickly and I was disappointed when Jezabelle announced she had to leave. I sighed and said, "bye, see you monday." She nodded and then left. What to do, what to do? I thought. I'll just go to sleep. I got up and walked downstairs to my room. I layed down and quickly fell into a deep sleep. 

   I walked around the house that seemed all too familiar, but I just couldnt figure out how I knew this place. I walked into the kitchen in search of some food and that was when I realized where I was, I was in my old house. The house my parents and I lived in before they were killed. Nobody lives there now because the police didnt want anyone living in house where two people got murdered. I never understood why. They get the house cleaned up and boom you have a perfectly good house. This house brought so many memories back, good and bad. I walked over to the fridge to see if there was any food. To my surprise there was. Everything you could imagine that needed to be refridgerated was in there. I checked the cabinets and the pantry and they were also filled with food. I like it here. I grabbed some oreos and a bag of doritos and walked over to the couch. I ate as much as my stomach could take and then decided to go to sleep. I walked to my old room and layed in the queen size bed and fell asleep easily.

                                              I woke up from my dream and stretched my sore muscles. I opened my eyes and started to get out of bed when I realized something, this wasnt my house. I mean it was my house, but not the one I was living in currently. It was the house from my dream. What the heck. How did I even get here? I thought back to what Lizzy talked about yesterday. She said something about me having three powers. Also to not freak out if I woke up and something weird was happening. So this must be one of my three powers, teleportation, awesome. I cant wait to tell Lizzy. I wonder if I will get my other three today. I imagined being at my house in my living room and then I was there. I am never going to get used to this I swear.

                                            I walked into Lizzy's room and yelled, "WAKE UP!  I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU!" She opened her eyes and muttered something that sounded like, "what do you want" while stretching. "I got my power!" I yelled. She immediately sat up straighter and started to listen. "Its teleportation. I had a dream about being in my old house and when I woke up I was there. Its so cool! I teleported here too. When do you think im gonna get my other two?" I asked.

                                        "Either today or throughout the week," she replied. I nodded. "Lets go eat breakfast." I automatically got happy when she mentioned food. I practically skipped my way to the kitchen and made cereal. I took a bite. Then another. Soon enough I was finished with my bowl and I washed the bowl out a little before setting it in the sink. 

                                       "What do you wanna do?" I asked because I was seriously getting bored. " Do you wanna go shopping?" Lizzy suggested. I shook my head. I wasnt in the mood for shopping right now. " Wanna practice teleporting places?" she asked. I nodded. I need to get better at teleporting if Im gonna be doing it a lot. Maybe while Im practicing I'll randomly get my new powers and start turning everything into ice or something. We walked outside and started training.

        Im sorry if you absolutely hated this chapter or it just wasnt the best chapter and was boring and stuff. Im not the best writer anyways but thanks for reading my book you guys. It means the world to me. You will find out her other powers in the next chapter but I didnt have the energy or the ideas to add them to this chapter and not make this chapter even more boring. You guys really need to comment because I have two comments and I like to hear suggestions and what you liked about the chapter. I also want to just hear your opinion which kind of goes with suggestions but whatever. Im bored and I hope you like the chapter. Bye Bye! Cya Lovlies.

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