Chapter 13

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I'm baaaaaaaccccckkkk! <3 Did you miss me? Did you miss my story? I missed writing it. :*( But here is another chapter to this long lasting story. Thank you for reading this story and for getting me as many reads as I had. It is more than I expected. Do any of you guys want to make me a cover for this story? I would really appreciate it if you did. I you make a cover just PM me the link. Thanks!!!!!!

I was shocked at the words that just exited Lizzy's mouth. "If you knew then why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"I did tell you!" she said offended. "You obviously don't remember the dream. You know the one where you are in the meadow and stuck in one spot. I told you that there was danger coming into your life and that I couldn't help you."

"Oh! I remember that dream!" I said.

"Azrah said that if I were to help you then I would be thoroughly punished afterwards. She would take me back and I would no longer be allowed to stay with you," Lizzy said in a sad voice.

"Well that's a bit harsh if you ask me. Does Azrah want me to die?" 

"I don't think she wants you to die I just think she wants you to learn how to fight your own battles. I kind of understand what she is saying," Lizzy explained.

"How am I fighting my own battles if I am allowed to get help from other people just not you?" I asked her.

"I don't know just stop asking me questions!" she shouted.

"OK OK grumpy pants," I muttered.

"I'm not grumpy!" yelled Lizzy.

"Whatever you say... grump."

"I'm gonna kill you!"

"Not if I kill you first!" I shouted.

Our fight turned into a war of who could glare longer. Eventually I gave up and started laughing loudly. Lizzy joined in not long after and we just laughed at our stupid little fight that occurred not too long ago.


At my locker shortly after lunch, Parker walked over.

"What do you want today?" I asked him.

He got a really hurt and confused look on his face before replying, "I just... Um never mind."

He started walking away and I felt really guilty for making him feel bad and insecure. What could go wrong getting someone to like me and help me survive? 

"Parker, wait!" I called out into the hallway. A few people turned to look at me but I just ignored their looks.

Parker turned around to look at me and I could see the hope in his eyes. "What?" he asked.

I walked over to him and said, "Later tonight at like 7:00 would you like to come over. I have some important news to tell you."

It looked like his heart was about to burst from his chest from the overly-excited look on his face. "Yea sure. I'll be over at seven," he said, and winked at me. I was disgusted. I mean sure he's OK looking but he is definitely not my type. I don't like players or guys who act like players.

He ran off towards our next class and I just walked in his shadow.


"Hey, Lizzy! Is it OK that Parker is coming over? Wait why am I asking you? Its my house!" I shrieked.

She laughed at me and replied, "But... you don't even like Parker." At the end of the sentence her voice went a bit high pitched and it sounded more like a question than a statement.

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