Chapter 3

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                         Sorry this chappie is really overdue but I was busy not having a life. Yeah... anyways I hope you like this chapter.

                         Recap: "We have a new student today her name is Lizbeth Realton. She is obviously running late but she will be here," Mrs.Greenston stated. Not five seconds after that none other than Lizzy the mind reader barged into the classroom like she owned the place.


                         I gasped. That dream was real? What? I was broke out of my thoughts when Mrs.Greenston said, "Good morning Lizbeth. Take your seat next to Annelise and we will start the lesson." I looked over and realized that the only empty seat was next to me. Lizzy started walking this way and everyones eyes followed her, especially the guys, I couldnt blame them though she was stunningly beautiful. She smiled at her and I weakly smiled back looking deep into her glowy purple eyes. Yes, purple.

                          'Hi' she mindlinked. Wait, what? We can mindlink each other. 'Yes' she replied. Ok then. 'I am in all of your classes' she linked.

                         I smiled. "Cool. You should sit by my friend Jezabelle and I at lunch. Are you up for that' I linked back. This is so cool.

                         'Ok' she replied and then looked up at the whiteboard. I dug into Mrs. Greenston's mindas she explained something that had to do with algebra that I really didnt get. 'I wish I wasnt a teacher anymore' Dont worry Mrs.Greenston I wish you werent a teacher anymore either.


                         (A/N I was gonna stop there but that would be really short and boring and mean so here)

                          I walked into my garage and pulled out my keys. I lived alone so the door was always locked. I turned the handle to the right and pushed to make sure it was still locked. The door opened and I started to freak out. My heart started to beat really fast. What is going on? I grabbed an umbrella from the garage, because it was the closest thing to me, and walked inside. Everything was the same as I left it except the guest room door was opened. Nothing was in there so a  robber wouldnt even bother in there. I gripped the umbrella harder and pulled it towards me so that if there was anything there I could swing at it. I was shaking uncontrollably as I took one, two, three steps closer to the door so I was right infront of the guest room door. I pushed the door open the rest of the way with my foot and stepped in with my eyes closed. i took a deep breath and opened one eye and then the other. What I saw infront of me startled me a bit but then I thought well what else did I expect. A serial killer maybe, my concience screamed.

                             Lizzy was in the middle of the room unpacking her suitcase. "Oh, hi," she said cooly, I nodded my head at her.

                           "So... are you gonna live here now?" I asked pointing at the ground while saying here. I felt an awkward presence in my head and tried to get rid of it. Amazingly it worked but then I felt it again. Before I could push it out again I heard ' wait dont kick me out of your head I want to say something.' I nodded my head and made a keep going motion with my hands. ' Well, yes I will be staying here because I have no where else to be staying. Well as long as thats ok with you' she stopped linking for a little while just staring at me until I realized seh was waiting for me to answer her. I thought for about five seconds before I nodded my head slowish. "Why cant you just say this outloud?" I asked curiously. She looked at me like I was growing another head. "What?" I asked warily. I hope I didnt say something stupid.

                           She facepalmed herself in a way that said ' you are so dumb' and linked ' In case someone is listening' she looked around the room slowly before linking again, ' anyways I wanted to congratulate you on sensing me digging into your mind and throwing me out so  easily' I looked at her confused. ' Am I not supposed to be able to do that' I asked. I was seriously lost right now. 'No you're not. You have not been trained. I was trained by nine other than Azrah herself before I was born into this world. You being able to do this means your powers are coming in' then the weird feeling in my mind was gone and I was left confused.


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... did you like the chapter? I liked it but you know... Im the author so yeah. I wont be posting tomorrow unless I get the extra time but I maybe will be posting Sunday but no promises. Im bored and this book is like really boring and I only have like three reads but... for me thats cool. So see you later Lovlies! =)

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