Chapter 17

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Hi guys! I'm sorta sad right now. There are only two to three chapters left of Deadly Mind Games. I know this story is a bit short. 

I had made plenty of tries, and so had Parker and Lizzy, to get Aaliyah to break. As far as I could tell she wasn't going to let up. I read her mind frequently trying to see if she was ready to let me live. She was always saying that she was guilty but she wasn't ready to die. She always said that she had to complete her task. It was so frustrating and it drove me insane. Why would you kill someone so innocent. There is a chance that she will be arrested for murder and she doesn't care because Cole told her to kill me. Maybe I need abs so I can control people to do whatever I want. Seriously, he thinks he is saving the world. What is he saving the world from though? He is saving it from a fourteen year old girl who can read minds! I cant control people like you can, Cole, you are more dangerous than I am.

Tomorrow was the day, the day that I shall die. I was hoping that I would die in the chance that Azrah would take me with Lizzy. I wasn't sure if I was ready to leave her yet. If I did survive though, I would still be extremely grateful. I love living and I love Earth. Earth is beautiful.

"What do you want to do on your possible last full day?"Lizzy said, cutting into my thoughts.

"I would say get completely and absolutely wasted because I will never have the chance to if I don't today but its a school night and I'm a good girl, I wont drink until I'm 21, just like the law says."

"Okay. You still haven't answered my question though," Lizzy replied. I took a deep breath, I honestly didn't feel like doing anything.

"I don't know, Lizzy. Why don't you choose?" I said.

"Because its not my last full day now is it?" she retorted. I laughed at her and her stupidity. She could really be an idiot sometimes.

"Actually, it kinda is. Did you forget that Azrah is taking you back?"

"Oh yeah..." she trailed off.

I rolled my eyes and unfolded my legs, crawling off of her king sized bed. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass from one of my cupboards. Once I had filled it with water I sat down on a stool by the counter. 

Lizzy sat next to me and I took a sip of my drink. "We could go shopping?" she suggested.

"Yes Lizzy, that's a wonderful idea. Lets go waste our money on clothes that we're never going to wear," I replied sarcastically.

"We could go spend all of your college money doing fun stuff?" she spit out another suggestion.

I was about to tell her what a stupid idea that sounded like until I actually considered it. I shrugged my shoulder and said, "I don't see why not. Go get dressed and meet me in the living room in twenty minutes."

She nodded her head and we both headed into our rooms. I grabbed a really pretty dress that I only wore once because I don't really like dresses and threw it on. It was a comfortable dress that was a slip on so it didn't have an irritating zipper. It was cotton and was a white color in most areas but had black designs all over it. It was quite adorable. I threw on some sneakers and headed into the bathroom. (Yes, sneakers and a dress, I  know its a fashion crime. *rolls eyes*)

I brushed my teeth and hair thoroughly and walked over to my "bank." I had been saving up for a while, before my parents were dead. I had $20,000 saved up from all those years. I honestly dont know how I got so much money. My parents would pitch in a few dollars whenever they had extra money and I would put any money that I found lying around anywhere in my savings. I saved up from years doing some summer jobs and I sometimes got paid to do small house chores for my neighbors. I know I didn't need all of the money but I took some of it for other things like, paying my bills and going fun places.

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