The Day

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There are one or two more chapters left of Deadly Mind Games. It depends. I made a new cover for this book. Check it out. The pic is on the side...

September 16

I didn't get out of bed on the day of my death until school was already almost halfway over. I finally crawled out of bed because I felt like a coward. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to be treated like a weakling either. 

I got up and threw on a random t-shirt and jeans. I brushed my teeth and hair, put my shoes on, grabbed my backpack, and ran to school. 

I walked into 7th hour which is my second to last class. All heads turned to me and their stares were penetrating. It was like they were silently accusing me of committing a crime by simply staring at me like creepy stalkers.

"Do you have a pass," my teacher asked.

I nodded my head and walked over, handing her the pass. Luckily Aaliyah didn't have this class with me. I wouldn't have to worry about dying right here.

The time on the clock moved by slowly and I was thankful for that. The slower the time goes the more time I have left. I wasn't paying very much attention to the class and that was very unlike me. I always pay attention in class because I want good grades. There is no point for that now though.

I looked over at Lizzy to see that she was already staring at me with a questioning look on her face.

'I thought you weren't going to school today?'

'I felt like a coward so I came,' I explained. A look of comprehension passed over her face and she nodded her head. 

Okay, she mouthed. 

I turned my head to the front of the room again to look at the clock. There was only a few seconds of class left. I began to pack up my stuff and when I was finished I slung my bag over my right shoulder.

The bell rang, interrupting whatever the teacher was saying. "Oh, I didn't notice the time. You are dismissed."

I got up and slung the other strap over my other shoulder. I walked out of the classroom and made it all the way to my locker without seeing Aaliyah. I walked to my next class. This one I did have with Aaliyah.

I took my seat in the back of the class so she couldn't throw a knife in my back. I waited for the late bell to ring and Aaliyah walked in just before it did. She took a seat in the front. I sighed in relief and my shoulders began to loosen from their tensed state.

The time in that class went by rather quickly and I began to worry. My palms were sweating and I was breathing a heavily. I bit my lip to stop breathing so heavily and when the bell rung I made sure to stay near Parker and Lizzy.

We all walked out into the hall together and everyone was filing out of the school like it was on fire. Eventually Aaliyah came out of the classroom and the only people in the hallway was a few stray students, Parker, Aaliyah, Lizzy, and me.

"Hi!" Aaliyah said in a cheery voice that gave no clue that she was going to kill me.

I smiled widely because I was still playing the game of I-have-no-idea-whats-coming. "Hey. What's up?"

"Oh nothing really. I'm just going to kill you. You know the usual," she said super sweetly. She said it so casually that I barely caught the part where she announced that she was going to kill me.

"You're going to kill me? I thought you were my friend!" I lied.

"Well I would've been, if someone hadn't told me to kill you. You see I know what you are and I know that you are dangerous. To be honest I really think that Im doing the world a favor. Did you think that you could just go around doing your thing and nobody would ever find out about you?" she asked while she pulled out a gun from her pants. I knew that was why she was wearing a baggy shirt.

She pointed the gun at me. "Say goodbye."

I turned to look at Parker and Lizzy. I mouthed the word bye while wiggling my fingers at them.

I heard the gun being fired and I felt like those people in the movies. The stupid ones that see something falling down on them and they just stand there staring at it and screaming. I couldn't move, I was just going to let the bullet hit me.

"No!" Lizzy shrieked. She jumped towards me and pushed my body out of the way. The bullet hit her and somehow buried itself straight in her heart. Her body limply slumped to the ground. Blood was soaking her shirt. 

"Lizzy!" Parker and I screamed at the same time.

I rushed forward and sat down next to her. Tears were staining my cheeks faster than the blood had stained her shirt. She was dead. She was going to be taken away anyways but still. I would've her rather been taken away unharmed than dead.

Parker came over and sat next to me. A door opened and a teacher came running out of it. 

"I heard a gunshot! What happened!" the teacher asked. He looked down at Lizzy and her bloodied body and a look of understanding crossed his face followed with anger.

"Who did this?" he shouted. I pointed my finger at Aaliyah and she looked shocked. She started shaking her head trying to deny her actions.

She wouldn't get away with this. Parker joined in and pointed his finger at her too. "It was Aaliyah, Sir."

The teacher looked over at Aaliyah and grabbed her arm fiercely. He dragged her into his room and called the police.

I didn't get up to follow them and eavesdrop I just looked back at Lizzy.

She didn't look peaceful. Her eyes were still widened in shock and her mouth was slightly opened. I put two finger over her eyelids and silently closed them. The tears had stopped flowing but the look of despair was still written all over my face. I laid next t her and set my head on Parker's lap. I just closed my eyes and laid there next to my dead best friend while Parker caressed my hair soothingly.

So guys. How was the chapter? It was really sad for me to write. I had become rather attached to her. There will be an epilogue. Probably today. I have a lot of free time... too much...

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